Page 178 of Phoenix's Refrain

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Eva sat down beside Jiro. “That wasn’t Ronan. It was your daughter. She’s waking up.”

A single, sleepy cry rose from Sierra’s crib. Several of the lights in the room blew up.

I quickly lifted her out of her crib and began to rock her. “That’s not my fault,” I said with a guilty glance at Nyx.

“She’s your daughter,” Nyx pointed out, but I could tell she was too happy with her baby to be truly angry with me.

The walls were really shaking now. And Sierra was still crying.

I began to pace with her in my arms. “Maybe if I just find a position she likes…”

Sierra stopped crying.

I sighed in relief. “Thank goodness.”

My baby cooed, and the rest of the lights in the ceiling blew up.

“So things blew up when you’re happy too?” I handed her to Nero. Maybe he’d have better luck with her.

And sure enough, as soon as he began to rock her, the walls stopped shaking. And when she laughed, nothing blew up.

“How did you do that?” I said in awe.

“Some people are just better with children,” Nero said smugly.

As he looked fondly upon our daughter, I stuck my tongue out at him.

“You are chaos, Leda. Nero is order,” Jiro said.

Yeah, that made a lot of sense—and yet no sense at all.

“Wait, so you’re saying that whenever I hold Sierra, things will go all…all wonky?” I asked him.

“At least until you learn to control your inner chaos,” Jiro replied.

Standing beside me, Stash was laughing his ass off.

“Oh, shut up,” I said and stuck my tongue out at him too.

“Sierra’s magic is very potent for one so young,” Eva said brightly. “It might not be long before she starts blowing things up, even when you’re not holding her.”

Nero stopped bouncing her in his arms. “What do we do about that?”

Eva smiled. “Embrace the unpredictable nature of parenthood.”

Nero looked at her blankly, like her words hadn’t computed in his brain.

“He means you’ll have to wing it, General,” I said helpfully.

“Thank you, Pandora. I know what it means.” Nero hit me with a deliciously dark look that sent shivers down my spine.

“You just refuse to accept it?”

“I have trained you to behave, Leda. I will do the same with our daughter,” he said with complete confidence.

I glanced at Basanti. “Hey, Basanti, did you hear? Nero thinks I know how to behave.”

“Nero is high on parenthood and is talking shit,” Basanti replied in her no-nonsense manner.
