Page 70 of Phoenix's Refrain

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I bet he’d hated that. He’d probably wanted an excuse to torture me longer with all the long lists.

“But wait. If I’m not doing remedial angel studies, then what will I be doing?”

“It’s been brought to my attention that the humans think of us angels as rather unapproachable and not to be trusted,” Nyx said. “I’m not particularly worried about the first, but I am concerned about the second. Right now, we need the humans and supernaturals to side with us. There are a lot more of them than there are of us. We need them to sign up, to help us grow the Legion.”

So apparently Nyx had come to realize the Legion didn’t have the best relations with humans and supernaturals. Yeah, I could have told her that.

“It’s critical that we improve our relationship with humanity now, as we will need everyone united in the fight against the Guardians,” she said.

I folded my hands together. “So the Legion’s fear and the Pilgrims’ propaganda aren’t enough.”

“No.” Nyx frowned at her admission. “We need to make people trust us, to work with us. Just as we need to work with the gods and the demons.”

The gods and demons had formed an alliance against the Guardians, but no one knew how that would play out in the end. Gods and demons had spent many millennia at war, many millennia of mistrust. It wasn’t so easy to put that all aside.

“Pandora, you are an angel who lived among humans for a long time,” Nyx said. “That makes you the perfect ambassador, the perfect bridge between worlds. And that is the task I have set for you: to gain the support of Earth’s people, so more of them join the Legion’s ranks. You are to unite the supernaturals to work with us, not fight amongst themselves.”

“You don’t ask for much, do you?” I laughed weakly. “The supernaturals have been fighting forever. And the Legion has spent its entire history making people afraid of them. Humans fear both angels and supernaturals. Now you want me to convince them to unite and all work together? That’s a big step, Nyx. A step I’m not sure they’ll be willing to take. The task you’ve set me might very well be impossible.”

“Then it’s the perfect undertaking for you, Pandora. We all know firsthand that the Angel of Chaos defies the impossible.”

“As often and as thoroughly as I can,” I declared proudly. “All right then. Let’s do this.”
