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I slide into the booth, relieved to be somewhere warm. After spending hours at the rink and then more time outside, I’m chilled to the bone. Hot chocolate will have to do instead of a milkshake. I need something hot to drink.

Eli slides in on the opposite side, and of course, Mandi scoots in next to him.

One of Eli’s jock friends takes a seat next to me in the booth, and a girl slides in next to him on the other side. A guy with red hair plops down next to Mandi.

“Linc, this is Mandi and her friend Holland,” Eli tells the guy next to me. “Ladies, this is Linc, his girlfriend Serra, and that’s Chase.” He gestures at the red-haired guy sitting next to Mandi.

I recognize Linc as the one who flagged Eli down from across the cafeteria earlier in the week. He says hello to Mandi and offers her a smile, then gives me a quick once over without a smile or a word.


Chase nods in my direction, and Serra, a pretty blonde with beautiful blue eyes, smiles at me.

It’s obvious that I’ve been deemed not worth Linc’s time. Not that I really care all that much, because I don’t want any of his time, either.

Mandi, on the other hand, fits right in with Eli’s crowd, which isn’t much of a surprise. Chase spends the next ten minutes flirting with her, and even though I can tell she’s not into him, she flirts right back. Probably to try and make Eli jealous.

“Your goal was sweet, D, but Brooksie’s was a fucking beauty,” Linc says to Eli as the waitress brings us each a glass of water and a menu.

“It was,” Eli replies, leaning back in the booth and shrugging out of his coat. “But Stansy’s pass made that goal possible. I don’t even know how he got the puck through all that traffic.”

“Yeah, that was crazy,” Chase says, tapping the table with his finger. “Fun game. Shutout for Locke, too.”

“You guys weresoawesome,” Mandi tells them. “I can’t believe I haven’t been to a game before now. I won’t miss another one.”

Oh, wonderful. Now she’s going to try and drag me to every single game on the schedule. I don’t know why she always chooses me to try and do things with. She’s got other friends. Though maybe they’re just as annoyed by her behavior as I am.

The waitress comes back to our table five minutes later to take our orders, and it’s a good thing because I’m starving.

Eli gets a loaded chicken burger and fries, while Chase and Linc order Angus burgers. Serra only gets a side of fries, and Mandi orders a small salad, which is ridiculous, because she hasn’t eaten any dinner, either. I know she has to be hungry.

The waitress looks at me expectantly, and I hand her the menu. “I want a double cheeseburger with everything but onions, sweet potato fries, and a large hot chocolate with whipped cream.”

Linc gives me an incredulous look. “Hot chocolate? With a cheeseburger?”

“Uh, yeah,” I say dryly. “I’m freezing after sitting in that arena for hours.”

“I’ll be back when the food gets here, babe,” Serra says to Linc, then kisses his cheek. “Lena’s over there with Casey, and I want to say hi.”

“Okay, doll.” He glances back over at me as Serra gets up. “Hot chocolate and a cheeseburger is just weird,” Linc mutters, sliding a few inches away from me, like my so-called weird food preferences might rub off on him.

“Actually, it’s delicious. And not that much different than a chocolate shake,” I counter. “Add extra whipped cream, please,” I tell the waitress, just to goad Linc.

“You know what? I’ll have a hot chocolate, too,” Eli tells her. “No whipped cream on mine.”

Chase leans around Mandi and stares at him. “Since when the fuck do you get hot chocolate?”

“Since now,” Eli says, giving me a wink. He holds my gaze for a moment before we’re interrupted by a group of girls arriving at our table.

It’s Stacie, the girl from the cafeteria with the shiny, chestnut-colored hair and killer cleavage. She’s surrounded by her equally gorgeous friends. Just like before, they’re all wearing brightly colored miniskirts.

“That was a great game, Eli,” Stacie says, ignoring everyone else at the table. She flips her glossy hair back over her shoulder and gives him a sexy pout. “I was hoping we could hang out tonight, but it looks a little crowded in your booth.” Her brown eyes zero in on Mandi, and she gives her an assessing once-over.

But me? I don’t even get a look. I’m starting to feel like the invisible girl around this chick.

“Thanks.” Eli gives her and her friends a friendly smile. “Yeah, our booth filled up fast. Maybe another night.”

“You have my number, Eli,” she says, raising her fingers to give him a little wave. “Don’t be afraid to use it.” Stacie struts away from the table, her gaggle of friends hot on her heels.
