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Stifling a groan, I flip open the card to read the inside.

“This is off-campus,” I say, glancing at the address. “How are you throwing an off-campus party?”

“One of my classmates from Literature class, Johanna, was talking about throwing a party. I told her we should co-host one, so she’s having it at her place. It’s only a few blocks away. I’m providing the food, and she’s supplying the drinks.”

I close the card and stuff it back into the envelope. “You know, you could have just spread the word that you’re having a Halloween party. You don’t need a formal invitation. This is college, Mandi. Word’s going to get out when someone’s throwing a bash.”

Mandi waves an arm dismissively. “Where I’m from, a party calls for an invitation.”

I spot Eli coming toward the workstation section with a knapsack over his shoulder. The moment he sees Mandi, a panicked look crosses his face. He catches my eye and waves his hands in front of him, shaking his head madly. Then he darts into one of the book aisles, presumably to hide.

Uh-oh. This can’t be good. The way he dove into the stacks strikes me funny, though. I swallow down my laughter and glance back over at Mandi.

“And where are you from that calls for an invitation?” I ask her, grinning. “Mars?”

“Ha. You know I’m from Connecticut. So, will you come to the party?”

Halloween is my all-time favorite holiday, but I didn’t have any plans to celebrate this year. Beckett has been bugging me to do something with him. Even though I told him I’m not interested in having a boyfriend, it doesn’t mean we can’t go places together as friends, right?

“Okay, I’ll come. Can I bring someone?”

Mandi’s eyes light up. “Do you mean a boy?”

“Relax,” I tell her, rolling my eyes. “It’s just a guy from my study group.”

“The entire reason I’m having this party is so I can spend some more time with Eli.” Mandi bites down on her lower lip. “I’d like to have some time alone with him.”

“So you thought hosting a party and inviting a bunch of people will help you with that?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

Mandi smiles, then gets a far off, dreamy look on her face. “Parties are great for playing games like Spin the Bottle and Seven Minutes in Heaven.”

“Yeah, maybe in seventh grade. This is college. People are going to drink, dance, and drink some more.”

Mandi leans in confidentially and puts her hand up to her mouth. “I have to tell you something later, Holland. I’m dying to tell you now, but this isn’t the place. And you were still out when I got back to the dorm last night, so...”

“Ohhhkay,” I say, raising my eyebrows. I wonder what this is all about. “Tell me later, then.”

Mandi sneezes, the most perfect littleah-choonoise I’ve ever heard in my life. “Okay, I have to go. I need to find Eli and give him his invitation. Have you seen him around?”

He’s still hiding in one of the aisles. I can see his black knapsack peeking out from behind one of the stacks.

“He could be anywhere,” I say, waving a hand. “You should try the quad. Or the cafeteria. I’m sure you’ll find him eventually.”

Mandi’s like a bloodhound when it comes to something she wants, so I have no doubt she’ll manage to track him down no matter where he hides.

She sighs, then sneezes again. “If you see him, will you tell him I’m looking for him?”


“Okay. See you back at the dorm.” She gives me a finger wave and walks toward the front of the library.

Once she’s exited the building, I tap my pencil loudly on the table to get Eli’s attention. He peers around the corner of the stack, and I can see his sigh of relief from here.

He walks over and sets his knapsack down on the table. “That was close.”

“Obviously, I’m missing a vital piece of information. What happened?”

He plops down in the chair that Mandi’s just vacated. “For starters, she’s blowing up my phone. Everywhere I turn, she’s right there. She’s persistent as fuck.”
