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“Where are you parked?” he asked.

Holly gestured toward the right-hand side of the lot. She paused and opened her purse again, pretending to look for something. Maybe he’d just move on to his own vehicle if she took her time.

He stopped next to her, waiting, and she stifled a groan.

“What are you doing?” she asked, frowning.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m waiting for you. What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't walk you to your car? It’s late, this is a parking garage...”

Holly snorted. “The last time I checked, you weren’tanykind of gentleman. And I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Well, too bad. I’m here, and I’m walking you to your car.”

Holly rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

They walked in silence for a minute or two, the only sound the clicking of her heels against the concrete.

When they arrived at her car, she made ashooinggesture. “We’re here. You can go now.”

Eli stopped short and stared at the brown sedan, a look of complete disbelief on his handsome face. “This is your car?”

She shot him a dirty look. “Yes.”

“Is it even safe to drive?” he asked incredulously. “It looks like it’s being held together by rust and duct tape.”

“Oh, please. It’s a ‘95 model. A classic,” she said defensively.

“Ninety-five? What,eighteen-ninety-five?” He scratched his beard. “It doesn’t even have hubcaps, for fuck’s sake.”

“Thanks for your opinion, which I don’t remember asking for,” she said coldly. “Not that I owe you an explanation, but it gets me from A to B, and that’s all that matters. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

Holly brushed past him and walked to the driver’s side, then fumbled with her keys, trying to find the one for the door.

He crossed his arms, watching her.

“Why are you still here, Donnelley? Go away.” Holly found the key and jabbed it into the lock, desperate to get away from him. When she ripped the door open, it made a horrible screeching noise, and she did her best not to cringe.

Okay, yes, the car was old and ugly, but it was clean on the inside. And shediddo regular maintenance on it. At least for the most important things, anyway.

After tossing her purse down on the passenger seat, a knock on the driver’s side window scared the shit out of her, and she jumped.

Holly glanced out of the window at Eli, who was bent over, peering in at her.

“Open up,” he said.

“For fuck’s sake,” she snapped, rolling down the window. “What do you want?”

“As a Good Samaritan, I feel the need to let you know that your right front tire is practically flat. You need to put some air in that ASAP.”

“I’ll do it on the way home,” she muttered. “It’s got a slow leak.”

“You really shouldn’t drive with it like that.” He glanced down toward her feet and sucked in a breath. “Is that a hole in the floor? Holy shit, Wilkes.Seriously? Get out of this shitmobile, would you? This is insane.”

“Go away, Eli.”

Holly turned the key in the ignition, anxious to get away from him and his oh so helpful observations. To her horror, the car sputtered and choked, but didn’t start.

No. No!Not now.
