Page 101 of Baby Daddy Wanted

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“Why not?”

“Because I’m the rebound guy, and she’s about to have some other man’s baby.”

Max’s brows popped up. “Damn. That sucks.”

“It’s what she wants,” I said. “And if she’s happy, I’m—”


Heat curled up my neck. How dare he come here and call bullshit on me.

“You forget I’m an addict.”

“Trust me, if there’s one thing I’ll never forget—”

He raised a palm to shut me up. “What I mean is, I’ve told more lies than anyone you know. So don’t waste your breath lying to me. Either you love her, and you’d raise the devil’s spawn if that’s what clawed its way out of her, or you don’t love her, and that’s why you’re satisfied with your pathetic rebound-guy sob story.”

“It’s not a sob story.”

He focused his clear eyes on mine. “Is the guy still in her life?”

I shook my head. “Never has been.”

“Well, he was for at least a minute and a half.”

“She’s using a sperm donor.”

“Why?” His head dove forward. “What’s wrong with your swimmers?”

“Besides the fact that I don’t want kids?”

He cocked his head like he wasn’t convinced.

“I’m not ready.”

“When’s that ever stopped you from trying something new?”

“I haven’t known her that long, Max.”

He leaned back in his chair and studied me. “Clearly, I don’t know enough about the situation.”

“No shit.”

“But I do know a bunch of excuses when I hear them.”

“These are facts I’m telling you,” I said, my soft sweater suddenly scratching at me. “Not excuses.”

“How far along is she? Just out of curiosity.”

“She only bought the sperm today,” I said, feeling like an idiot for opening up to him. Then again, he was both my brother and in no position to judge. “She just told me on the phone.”

He stared at me. “You’re not seriously going to let her go through with this, are you?”

“There’s no letting involved. She’s not that kind of woman.”


My irritation with his incredulousness was increasing by the minute.
