Page 115 of Baby Daddy Wanted

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“I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

“I’m so excited for you!” she squealed. “If only we had some sparkling grape juice to celebrate.”

“It’s probably not cold anymore.”

“That’s fine,” she said. “I don’t really want to get up anyway. I like playing naked pancakes with you.”

I laughed. “Is that what we’re doing? Playing naked pancakes?”

“You have a better name for it?”

I adjusted the faux fur blanket that was draped over us, further trapping the heat of our bodies. “Don’t you think the ‘naked’ is redundant? Have you ever seen a fully dressed pancake?”

“Spoken like a guy who’s never been to Walker Brothers.”

I tutted once and rolled my eyes. “What kind of Chicagoan would I be if I’d never been to Walker Brothers?”

“The kind that’s lying about being from Chicago,” she said, like there were no two ways about it. “What made you decide to go back to school? I thought you said there was no point?”

I shrugged. “I’ve been hanging out with this fierce sex bomb who’s been bravely chasing her dream. Some of her ambition must’ve rubbed off on me.”

She cast her lashes down at my chest as if to hide her blushing cheeks. “That’s awesome, Finn. I think you’d really enjoy it… Though I don’t want to hear about the nude drawing classes you’ll inevitably have to take.”

“Because you’d be jealous?”

“I actually had kind of a big day, too,” she said, ignoring the question.


“The doctor called about a cancellation next week.” Her expression grew serious. “So I’m getting knocked up next Wednesday.”

My stomach dropped.

“Assuming everything goes according to plan.”

Be happy for her. It’s what she wants. “Wow,” I said, my voice scratching out. “That’s…great. Congratulations.”

She took a big breath and searched my eyes. “Might as well get a move on, right? No time like the present.”

I hoped my face wasn’t betraying my disappointment. The last thing I wanted to do was let her down.

“I don’t want to chicken out, you know?” Her gaze was shifty all of a sudden, like she didn’t quite know where to look. “And I have no reason to put it off, right? So…”

Fuck. A second ago we were playing naked pancakes and now she’s telling me she’s going to have another man’s baby? How could I have screwed this up so bad?


“Sorry,” I said, shaking off my shock. “I’m just so…proud of you.” I swallowed my hurt. “For going after what you want. It’s really…” Ruinous? Heartbreaking? Fucked up? Your tits are literally crushed against me right now. “Inspiring.”

“Right,” she said, her tone suddenly devoid of cheer. “Well, I couldn’t have done it without you, so thanks for all your help.”

You are not welcome. Not even a little bit. I’m a goddamn fool, and I wish you never set foot in my bar.“Have you arranged for someone to go with you?” I asked, feeling like I was desperately clinging to a wet bar of soap.

“Yeah,” she said. “My mom’s going to come with me.”

Adrenaline surged through me despite my body’s relaxed position. “Guess that means everything’s about to change for you?”

“Not everything, I hope,” she said, her eyes combing mine. “I mean, I know you won’t want to keep…having fun with me like this forever, but—”

This would be so much easier if she’d just stab me in the chest and carve out my heart. Then at least I’d understand why I was in so much pain.

“Let’s just enjoy a nice Valentine’s Day and not talk about that now.”

“Sure,” I said, at a loss for words. “Whatever you want.” But deep down, I knew it would be impossible to enjoy the rest of the evening. Because our honeymoon was almost over, and when it ended, there’d be no hope of a happy ending to follow.
