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- Aiden -

It made me sick to think I hadn’t been kissing her all these years, and my groin ached over what I’d been missing out on.

At least I was kissing her now. Well, not right now… fucking Fiona.

But that’s okay. The important thing was that things were great and that I would be seeing her soon.

I threw my car into my space and jogged across the street to pick up some milk and eggs, the only two foods I couldn’t live without besides protein shakes, and headed back towards my building.

The phone rang when I was half way across the street.

“Miss me already, do ya?” I said without looking at the caller id.

“I don’t even want to know,” Claire said.

I winced. “Damn it. I thought you were someone else.”

“I think that goes without saying. You sounded even more smug than usual.”

“My bad. What’s up?”

“I just wanted to know if you had any good news for me.”

“Well, I haven’t decided not to humiliate you in your speech if that’s what you’re asking.”

“No,” she said. “I knew better than to hope for that.”

“In that case, you’ll be pleased to know that Lucy said yes.”

“That’s wonderful news.”

“So please call off the dogs.”

“Will do. I have to call her back anyway.”

I lingered outside the door of my apartment complex and squinted up at the evening light as it squeezed between the buildings in the alley across the street.

“And before I forget, she said she’d do your hair if you wanted her help.”


“Yeah, she said you could pay her in free drinks.”

“You really think she doesn’t mind?”

“Not at all. Though I’m a little surprised you don’t have someone.”

“Well, Mom said Ricardo would probably do it, but I was hoping my hair wouldn’t be bigger than the cake, ya know?”

“I’m sure Lucy can do it however you want.”

“It would be nice to tell Dave that at least one thing about this wedding was actually affordable.”

“Should I tell her she’s got the job?”

“Yeah, why not? Lucy’s vibes will be good for me on the day.”
