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Her heart gave a hard thump.

He cleared his throat and said in a loud, booming voice, “Attention, everyone. Can I please have your attention?”

The room seemed to still and go eerily quiet as a hush fell over the diner.

Darcy glanced frantically around and hissed, “What are you doing?”

Across from her Gracie grinned, her expression extremely excited.

Griffin smiled what Darcy was sure was his politician’s smile. “As many of you know, Darcy Miller and I used to date. And we caused our fair share of trouble.” He gave the crowd an “aw shucks” look.

People laughed and looked at her with interest.

She tugged at his arm. “Griffin, stop this.”

He ignored her and continued to address the townspeople. “We’re older and wiser now. And I wanted to let you know that I intend on resuming my relationship with Darcy for as long as she’ll let me. If she’ll let me. If you have any objections, I don’t really care what they are. My personal life has no bearing on my ability to run the town. All I can promise is that if Darcy agrees to go on a date with me tonight, our activities will not include defacement of public property.”

There was another laugh.

Griffin turned to her and smiled down at her, his dimples flashing. “So, Darcy Miller, what do you say? Will you go out with me? To Rock’s Steakhouse and sit at the center table while the town of Revival judges everything we do?”

She stared at him for a good fifteen seconds, her mouth hanging open, her eyes wide with shock. She thought about the risks and then thought of being on her deathbed. If she said no, she’d regret it.

Gracie kicked her under the table, shaking her from her stupor.

She cleared her throat. “How can I say no to an offer like that?”

“You can’t.”

Before she could speak, he leaned down, wrapped his fingers around her neck, and kissed her in front of half the town. And it wasn’t just any kiss. It was mean. Full of aggression and tongue. When he let her go, she was breathless, panting up at him. He brushed her mouth with his and said, “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

Stunned, all she could do was blink at him.

He straightened. “For those of you who didn’t hear that, I said I’d pick her up at eight and then we’re headed to Rock’s.”

He turned back to her. Touched her cheek, rubbed his thumb over her wet, swollen lips. “See you tonight.”

Then, whistling, he waved to the crowd, and walked out of Earl’s Diner and down Main Street like he didn’t have a care in the world.

Dumbfounded, Darcy stared unblinking at Gracie who wore a huge grin.

She laughed. “See, this is why I meddle.”

Darcy pointed out the window. “Am I going on a date with Griffin?”

“You are,” Gracie said.

Wow. She blinked. Opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again. She shook her head and met Gracie’s amused eyes. “I need to go shopping.”

Gracie grabbed her purse. “I know just the place. It’s not Nordstrom’s, but it will do.”
