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Chapter Fifteen

Griffin was a civilized man. Really he was. Or at least he claimed to be. That was until he’d picked Darcy up and civilized flew right out the window.

He’d been a perfect gentleman, he hadn’t even kissed her, but honestly that was only because if he’d kissed her he wouldn’t have been able to stop. One kiss and she’d have ended up on the foyer floor with her clothes shredded to pieces, probably while her mother watched.

Because, Jesus Christ, that dress. He worried he might be salivating.

It was black, slinky, and hugged every curve. It went perfectly with her shiny black hair, red lips, and exaggerated cat eyes. She looked gorgeous, exotic, and so sexy he thought he might pass out from lack of blood flow. For the first time since she’d been back in town she looked like she’d been living in New York for all these years. Sophisticated, seductive, and intoxicating.

She was like crack.

As promised, he’d picked her up exactly at eight, and they were now seated in the middle of the crowded restaurant, pretending to look at menus while what seemed like half the town watched.

He hoped Barry appreciated the business, because for a Thursday night the place was packed.

Darcy tucked her sleek hair behind her ear and glanced around before leaning over the table. “Everyone is looking at us.”

“They are.” He gave her a long, slow once-over. “Or looking at you, is probably more accurate.”

Her tongue darted out to wet her lower lip. “Are you sure this is a good idea? I don’t want to hurt your reelection campaign.”

“I’ve got time before I have to worry about that.” He couldn’t concentrate on any of the words in front of him but made a good showing. Without looking up he said, “Have I mentioned you look very fuckable tonight?”

A tiny intake of air from across the table, before she said in a hushed tone, “Griffin, the people.”

He still didn’t look up. “The people are the only reason I didn’t take you back to my place and drag you to bed like a caveman.”

Another soft huff. “Do you have to talk like that?”

He raised his head to meet her gaze. “Why? Have you changed?”

Cheeks pink, her brow furrowed. “I . . . um . . . don’t understand the question.”

He picked up a glass of wine and took a sip. After he swallowed, he raised a brow. “I’m assuming talking dirty still makes you wet.”

Her blue eyes flashed, and she darted a glance around the room again. “This isn’t proper mayor behavior.”

He waved an arm. “By all appearances I’m being a perfect gentleman and on my best behavior. They can’t hear me.” He gave her a smile, shifting his attention to her mouth. “But you know the real me, don’t you, Darce?”

“Yes, I do.” Her expression changed from nervous to sly before a smile graced her red lips. “You know, two can play at that game?”

He put his menu down and folded his hands on top of it. “Oh? Do tell.”

“It means I can still suck your cock so good it will bring you to your knees.” She raised her glass. “Cheers.”

He was thankful he wasn’t drinking anything or he would have choked. As it was, he was lucky he didn’t break the stem of the wine goblet. God help him but he loved this about her.

He touched his glass to hers. “Here’s to licking you to orgasm.”

She sucked in a breath and took a sip of her wine. “More than one, I hope.”

He scoffed and sat back in his chair. “Have I ever let you off the hook with just one orgasm?”

“Nope.” Her gaze met his, and her blue eyes were smoky and hot.

He could stare into them forever. “Did you come today?”

She shook her head. “I wanted to wait for you.”
