Page 105 of Head Over Heels

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She licked her lips. “What kind of woman does that make me?”

He leaned close. “The fun kind.” Even closer. “The kind that gets off by being touched in public.” Still closer, so their lips were inches apart. “The exciting kind.”

Her legs were still situated between his, and she spread them before saying in a throaty whisper, “I never do this.”

“There’s a first time for everything.” His grasp on her leg tightened. “Open for me.”

“This is so inappropriate.” Which was exactly why she liked it. She spread her legs, just enough to give him access.

The hand closer to the bar slid between her thighs. A second later his knuckles brushed over her damp panties. They were barely there, black and thin mesh. She gasped at the contact, his touch like an electric shock through her system. The excitement was that much greater because they were surrounded by people.

“That’s a good sound.” He rubbed his knuckles up and down where she wanted him most. “If I kept going, would you come?”

She was so on edge it wouldn’t take long, and she wasn’t about to deny it. “Yes.”

His expression turned feral. “Right here at the bar?”


He hissed out a breath. “I’d like to see that.”

She’d anticipated everything, not necessarily the particulars of how things would play out, but the highlights. She tilted her head and moved to his ear. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but my panties have ties holding them together.”

He growled. “Undo them for me.”

He bracketed her body, pulling her chair closer and putting his feet on it to shield her just enough. She reached to the side of her hip and pulled the string loose.

“Do you guys want another round?” the bartender asked.

With two other people this might have broken the spell, but with them, it just upped their excitement.

“No.” Ryder’s voice was clipped and thick with lust at the same time.

There was shuffling, and Sophie slipped the bow on the other side.

He tugged at the fabric, baring her to him. Again his knuckles rubbed against her slippery flesh. “Someone’s wet.”

She shifted, tilting her hips slightly into his hand. “Well, someone’s been a real tease.”

“I think you like to be teased.”

“I think you’re right.”

“How long do you think you can keep this up? Being close but not going over?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you find out?”

And he did.

She made it twenty minutes with him rubbing his knuckles over her clit, pulling back when she got close, before she started begging. She clutched at his shirt and suddenly, just like that, the game was over and shit got real. In a breathless moan, she said, “Ryder.”

“Had enough, darlin’?” His voice was harsh, almost guttural.

She gasped. “Please.”

“Please what?”

“Fuck me.” She scraped her teeth over his jaw. “I swear I’m going to come the second you take me.”
