Page 25 of Head Over Heels

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So. Much. Trouble.

She’d had men tell her a lot of things. She’d been told she was gorgeous. Hot. Fun. Smart. When someone dated as long as she had, she’d heard practically every compliment under the sun. But this, right here, was the best one ever. Thirty seconds in his company and they were already veering. She shrugged. “I could say the same for you.”

“Could you?” His voice had turned low, intimate.

Tilting her head, she smirked. “You’re a pretty lethal combination, as I’m sure you’re well aware.”

He shifted, turning slightly more toward her. “Maybe, but this isn’t typical.”

She wanted to ignore the trap he was laying for her, but she seemed unable to stop herself. “What does that mean?”

He moved closer, and she didn’t step away, even though she should. “It means this isn’t about thinking the other person is hot.” He crooked a finger and ran it down her bare arm. Gooseflesh broke out over her skin, and her nipples tightened. “Although you’re so fucking hot I can’t think straight.”

A low throb took up residence in her belly. She hissed, “Stop that.”

They were facing each other head-on now, and Sophie didn’t know how it happened, but they were much, much too close. He slid his hand over the roof of the car. “We seem to have a visceral attraction.”

They did. The most dangerous of all attractions. Something she’d experienced a few times, but Ryder blew every single one of them out of the water.

In an effort to maintain some semblance of sanity, she crossed her arms. “Which is why we are going to stay neighbors.”

“Darlin’, my head couldn’t agree more.”

While what burned between them might be impossible to ignore, she needed to be clear that nothing would come from it. “This isn’t a date. This is a carpool. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

“I can do that.” He nodded.

She shifted away from him. “So we’re on the same page, right? Because crazy chemistry only leads to disaster.”

His jaw jumped. “Agreed.”

A frustrated disappointment settled in her sternum. She wanted him to fight her on it. Fight her, overpower her, and then take her. She wanted him to be a caveman. And the more she thought about it, the hotter she got.

She never learned, did she?

Hoping to clear the lust, she shook her head. “We should get going.”


She sucked in a breath at her name on his lips. “Yes?”

He glanced down at her chest, making her hyperaware of her peaked nipples. “Is there any way in hell I can get you to put on a bra?”

That would be rational. She looked up at him and shook her head. “No.”

“That’s what I thought.” He dragged his hand through his hair. “Christ.”



He wasn’t going to say it, so she held out her hand. “Can I drive?”

“Not in a million years.”

She puffed out her bottom lip. “Pretty please?”

He growled. “Not going to work.”
