Page 53 of Head Over Heels

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She inhaled sharply.

A voice came from the opposite side of the yard. “Oh!! Shit. Sorry!”

Sophie jerked her attention away from Ryder to see Maddie standing there holding Lily, a huge smile across her face.

She looked from Ryder to Sophie and put a hand over her daughter’s eyes. “Don’t look, Lily, this is grown-up stuff.”

Ryder rolled off Sophie, who scrambled to her feet and smoothed down her hair, which had grass and dirt in it. “That . . . um . . . wasn’t what it looked like.”

Maddie laughed, shifting her redheaded little daughter to her opposite hip. “Say hi to Auntie Sophie, Lily.”

The baby chewed on her fist and looked at Sophie skeptically.

Sophie gestured toward the cars in the driveway. “We were just washing the car, I swear.”

Ryder came up next to Sophie. “We’re totally just friends.”

Maddie smiled and nodded. “No need to explain.”

“But—” Sophie began.

“Great,” Ryder said.

Maddie tilted her head. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by and ask you to dinner.”

Sophie appreciated the offer, but she was worn out on people. All she wanted was to sit on the couch, eat takeout, and veg. Wait ... did Revival have takeout that delivered? She had no idea. She’d worry about that later.

She smiled. “Thanks, Mads, but I want to take it easy tonight. Big day and all that, plus it’s been a crazy weekend.”

“I get it. I figured, but since I was in the neighborhood I’d thought I’d drop by and ask.”

“Well, I love you, but all I want is to sit on my couch and watch Netflix.”

“Understood.” Maddie glanced a Ryder, a sly expression on her face. “Would you like to come?”

“I’ve got work to finish,” Ryder said, smooth and calm. As though they hadn’t been caught wrestling inappropriately on the ground.

“No worries,” Maddie said, her words breezy. She tucked a lock of flame-red hair behind her ear and grinned. “Make sure you call me after work to tell me how it went.”

“Will do.” Sophie figured that wasn’t all Maddie would want to hear about.

“Talk to you soon.” Maddie waved her daughter’s hand. “Say bye-bye, Lily.”

Lily shook her head.

Maddie laughed. “She’s a stubborn little thing.”

“Gee, I wonder where she gets that from,” Sophie said, dryly.

Maddie winked. “Her daddy, of course.” She waved and turned to walk away, calling out over her shoulder, “You two have fun.”

“Wait. No.” But the justifications were lost as Maddie disappeared into the front yard. Sophie whipped around to Ryder. “Now do you see what you did?”

Ryder folded his arms over his broad chest. “Darlin’, you rubbed your pussy against me.”

She slammed her hands on her hips. “I did not. You held me down and trapped me. I was trying to get away.”

“And getting turned on in the process.”
