Page 52 of Head Over Heels

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He shook his head. “God, you’re a brat.”

“Uh-huh.” Without giving it another thought, she sprayed him with the hose.

He jerked as the icy water hit his skin. “Hey! What was that for?”

Sophie gave him her best wide-eyed, innocent “you can’t blame me because I’m too cute” face. “It was an accident.”

He narrowed his gaze. “You are a troublemaker, Sophie Kincaid. Pure and simple.”

She smiled, lifted the hose, and blasted him. “Oops. I slipped.”

He dropped the cloth he’d been using into the soapy water and came for her. Heart racing, she screamed, flung the hose, and ran across the yard.

She was fast, but he was faster and taller, and he caught her with ease, wrapping his arm around her waist and tackling her. They tumbled to the ground, and he shifted so he took the brunt of the impact with her on top of him before he flipped them both over so she was on the grass, trapped beneath him.

He growled. “You are going to pay for that.”

“I’m sorry!” she screeched, laughing. “I promise I’ll be good.”

His whole body covered hers, and it was fucking awesome.

He imprisoned her wrists in one hand and held them captive over her head. “I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true!”


Then he started to tickle her, and she thrashed and squirmed and laughed hysterically, gasping out, “Ryder! Oh my God, stop.”

“No.” He dug his fingers into her ribs, and she bowed up and screamed.

“Stop, I’m sorry.” She giggled. Desperately trying to get away from him, she arched and his legs slid between hers, and all of a sudden she became acutely aware they were practically naked, and he was on top of her.

She felt his erection against her hip and stilled. All the laughter died away.

His hands stopped torturing her, curving around her rib cage. Both of them breathing heavy, their eyes met.

Everything turned on a dime.

He shifted, and his cock slid just where she wanted him.

“Oh,” she said on a small gasp.

He looked down at her mouth and whispered, “Are you going to be a good girl?”


“I think you’re incapable of being good.”

Her breath caught. “You’re wrong.”

His hand slid down her body, cupping her hip.

She was trapped under him, and it clouded her brain and made her lose all reason. All their progress from the day evaporated in an instant.

His hips flexed, nudging her, and she bit back a moan. Unbidden, she pressed against him.

He sucked in a strangled sound. “Christ.”
