Page 10 of Major Dad

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“Come on,it sounds like he wants you. Bad.” Alani Kamaka has been my bestie since kindergarten but I’ve never mentioned my dad’s pal to her before now. Ethan was always a guilty secret I kept to myself.

Being stranded without a car, she drove me home on condition I spill. So I invited her in for Mai Tais and gossip. I explain the barbecue then the ride with Ethan, the glances between us, my growing heat. And most especially, his hand on my thigh.

She smiles like a hungry shark and says, “Tell me more.”

I’m happy to oblige. I’m like motor mouth when it comes to my Major. Talking about him is as close as I can get to the real thing right now.

“I’m not sure I’m reading him right. It’s complicated and I’m worried about-dad.”

“It’s your life!” Alani blusters.

“I know, but you know how the Army--”

“You’re not in uniform, girl.”

I sit on the bed next to her and sigh. “You want to listen to something?”

“Sure. The Weekend, Future, I don’t care. Even Ed Sheeran if you want,” Alani says.

I pair my iPhone with an external speaker that sits on my desk and pull back the bamboo shades enough to peak out.

“Isn’t he kind of old for you though?” Alani wrinkles her nose. “Being your dad’s bestie.”

“Maybe I’m immune, but the difference, physically speaking between Ethan and my father is like a gladiator and an armadillo.”

“Hmm I’m not getting the analogy.”

“Then let me put it to you in simple terms. Ethan is sexy as fuck.” Shit, I can only imagine the repercussions if my father heard me blurt that one out. “He has the dimples and grin of Jake Gyllenhaal. The Army-approved crop cut reminds me of him in Jarhead.”

“Oh crap, you’re sounding like a love-struck groupie,” Alani says.

From my perch on the window seat I gaze out to the street. Traffic is sporadic, so when I see a car that looks just like my father’s drive slowly past, a spasm pinches my clit.

“Fuck!” I exclaim, craning at the driver’s side.

“What?” Alani asks. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I think I just saw Ethan drive down my street.” It could be him, but it’s too dark to be certain. Regardless, my body reacts as if it’s him, and I feel like I’m in junior high, crushing on the quarterback.

“The dude must have it superbad.”

“I can’t be sure. His regular car is in the shop. Maybe I’m seeing things."

“Girl you obsessed, you’re seeing him everywhere.”

I look down the street, but all I can see in the distance are receding tail lights. “Whoever it was, he’s gone.”

“You think he was checking to see if you’re home alone?” She grins. “Or are you delusional from wishful thinking?”

“Nooo,” I protest. “He drops by to see dad all the time. It probably wasn’t even him.”

“You’re seeing his face everywhere. You’re probably imagining his cock too amirite?” Alani laughs. “Do you think he’s got a massive dick?”

“Stop,” I say. “You’re making me horny.”
