Page 9 of Major Dad

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I feel like an asshat on so many levels. I cannot believe how close I came to sliding my fingers right up into Rylie’s panties on our drive. My cock was throbbing in pain by the time I dropped her off. My balls are killing me and now I have to deal with childcare hassles.

I take several deep breaths and count down from ten to zero. Last night my ex-wife, Lisa, dumped the kid on my doorstep with a note pinned to his chest that turned out to be his schedule. Pinned to his chest for fuck’s sake. She had to take off at short notice with one of her fuckbuddies.

I explained to her that I had duty this week, not that I had to meet the Vice-president as his son is up on charges. That’s need to know level security. The last thing she said to me before abruptly cutting the call was, “You’ll figure it out, bye.”

Yeah she knows she can count on that, but it’s not fair to our son. Being dumped like a package from UPS.

I arrive at the school and he’s on the playground playing with sticks in the dirt. I call his name and he looks up, sees me and comes running. Delighted or maybe relieved to not be as abandoned this time as he was surely worrying about. I feel even more of a guilty shit.

“Sorry, little bud,” I say. “Daddy had a problem at work.”

“It’s okay, daddy, I was busy too,” he says, holding up a jar of insects.

“Hop in. You can go back to catching bugs when we get home.”

“They aren’t bugs, they’re aliens,” he says as if I’m completely out of touch with reality.

“Okay, they’re aliens.” I smile at him and rub his head as he buckles in. “Look, Tiger. Your mom is not going to be here tomorrow and I have to go on an Army mission first thing in the morning.”

He looks down and kicks at the car seat. “Do you have to go?” he whimpers, trying to sound brave.

“Yes, my boss is not at all flexible. I’m sorry.”

“When will mom be back?” he says, biting his lip.

“I don’t know,” I say, with sadness in my voice. I feel terrible for the little guy because it’s not his fault his mother is such a flake. Aside from general abandonment every time some new guy comes into the picture, I can’t even count the times she’s hurt his feelings.

“So...I’m going to drop you off at Auntie Marta’s house, you know you love that and she said she’d get her grand-nephews over to play soon. She’ll watch you until your mom gets back. Or I do.” Whichever comes first. I’m sure it’ll depend entirely on how long Lisa can keep the insanity under wraps.

“Daaaad,” he moans.

I know he’s disappointed. My neighbor Marta is sweet, kind, and attentive to him, but she’s no kid and goes to bed at seven. I think Caden ends up watching movies more than I’d like when he’s at her place. I feel like a rotten father now, and my anger toward Lisa grows. What kind of mother doesn’t care about her child’s feelings?

“What say we go get pizza, Bud?” I cajole putting my hand on Caden’s shoulder. I'll drop you Marta’s house after we eat. I have to take off very early, so you need to spend the night.”

“Daaaaad!” he protests again.

I feel worse as I resort to some more bribery and say, “We’ll get ice cream together on the way.”

Bad dad, but at least he reluctantly complies.

I take Caden to dinner, he seems distracted, but eats several pieces of pizza and a double ice cream cone.

“You have a chocolate mustache,” I say.

He licks his lip and then wipes the back of his hand across his face.

“They’ve got napkins,” I lift one and dab at his little mouth. My son is the absolute cutest even with a boo-boo. His little freckled face, kid glasses and mop of blonde hair make me wanna pick him up and hug him all day long.

He takes the napkin from me and wipes his own mouth, letting me know he’s a grown up now.

“You’re going to have a lot of fun at Marta’s house. Okay, Bud?”

“I will,” he states bravely.

I don’t want to start feeding my anger towards his irresponsible mother, so I rub his head, remind myself that he’s a great kid. Then I drive him home to the sitter’s house.
