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My heart is racing and aching and throbbing to match the same feelings between my thighs. I cannot look at Jared while my pussy's clenching to possess him again. Him standing across the room, being mauled by various of my stepmother's friends was too much to watch. Any one of them could have been my own mother.

“Are you going to tell me what the problem is? Because when I came here tonight it was with the intention of talking to Todd about this – us - this thing between us.”

“Daddy will never allow it,” I tell him, my voice breaking with a little girl's sobs.

Fuck, this was not the way I intended to behave. Jared Helmsley has me so out of control, I’m acting out like a brat.

“He won't or you won't?” he grits.

I'm shocked that he could think I'd want to keep him a secret.

“He-” I say, still confounded by Jared being here in my childlike room.

“What happened to I make my own decisions and I know what I want.”

“Perhaps I was mistaken,” I snip, the unpleasant recall of him with my mother inserting itself.

“That's the kind of tone that gets a girl taken across my knee.” he growls so that every nerve ending quivers.

“Something happened since I dropped you back at Daddy’s house,” he continues. “Care to share with the man you've made into a dithering wreck that can't think or eat or live without you?”

“I -” I made him a wreck?

He takes a step toward me then stops when I writhe higher up the bed away from him. His face flickers with pain I'm causing him. Every pore wants to open my arms wide and take him in but I can't.

“I'm not a mother substitute,” I say, stupidly.

That wasn't what I meant. Dear god, someone get me a mouth and a few brain cells.

“Of course you aren't,” Jared says, his voice dropping rough and sexy with the hurt I'm dealing out. “Is that what this is about? Meeting my mother?”

“No, Christ, no,” I assure him. Oh God, how could I be such a thoughtless brat? “I loved that so much. Thank you.”

“What is it, Darlin'? I'm ready to do whatever you want but you're gonna have to help me out here. I can see you've been crying -”

“You can? I thought I covered that up.” I lift up to peer in the mirror at my dresser but the light's too dim.

“Baby, I've been inside your body deeper than I've ever been in any woman. I know what you're feeling. I know when you're mad or sad or happy or ecstatic. Right now I just don't know why.”

I elect to stop acting like a pouty brat and be the partner he may not deserve now but that I want to be for a man I love.

“When Daddy came home this afternoon he told me why you two are hostile enemies still.”

“Are we?” Jared quips. “That's news to me.”

“Well aside from causing the injury that ruined his career he's mostly mad that you tried to steal my mother away from him.”

Jared frowns in deeper confusion.

“If she gave birth to you your mother must have been a stunner but I honestly have no clue who she was,” he finally says. “And not to inflate my ego, but I never needed to be stealing anyone's girl. I had more than I could handle.”

I wince hearing that even though I can believe it and it was twenty years ago. I want Jared to belong only to me. But my dad wouldn’t lie to me.

“My darling girl.”
