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“You can buy pillows if you want,” Jared concedes.

“Can we watch TV?”

“We can now you're here.”

I never left.


It went something like this.

My darling girl informed me she's an independent woman and perfectly capable of flying home alone. But the instant I took her mouth into mine and pushed myself deep into her body at every sensitive quivering place, she didn't want to.

I had her call her boss and claim illness. The asshole clearly didn’t believe her and made a few obtuse threats. One call to the CEO of the company and her boss called Carina back, to apologize and to tell her to take as long as she needed to be well. I'm not a throw my bulk around arrogant kind of douche but I do believe people deserve respect whatever their position in a corporation.

And naturally I wanted to make sure Carina was happy with her decision to live with me. What if she didn’t like the house? That wasn't a problem because we'd buy another, wherever she wanted. What if she didn't like me in it? What if the explosive chemistry between us fizzled out for her?

She loves the enormous TV I rarely used before and has me snuggled up beside her with the fire roaring most nights. Her body curled around me under a furry throw while we watch endless episodes of Netflix, one after another. I got her a popcorn machine in an old style cart and a chocolate fountain. As predicted we hardly ever move from the couch.

She wanted to hit all the trendy bars in Cow Hill, the area of San Francisco we live in and we did. But it soon became redundant to be standing in a crowd, staring at each other and only wanting to get home to rip each others clothes off. That was assuming we ever made it out of the house.

Because that required the use of the elevator to street level and every time we got in, her all dressed up to strut her stuff in a short skirt and towering heels, I couldn't resist repeating the day I brought her home. Dropping to my knees to pull her panties down and suck her clit like I was starving. Or sometimes, I cupped my hands around her ass and she climbed onto me, wrapping her thighs around my waist and gripping my shoulders begging me to fuck her.

The only dark cloud for us was her disappointment that her father didn't accept our relationship as stable, always asking her whether she was sure she was happy. Hoping she'd give some inkling of regret.

For her sake I went to Todd and requested her hand, before I gave her the ring. Even though I don't see the point of acting like women are owned by their fathers. I went to ask him to transfer the deed, just to show him the respect she wanted him to receive.

The first time I asked he declined, the asshole.

I came out laughing and shaking my head. Carina and I are glued together and bonded. What's that line, 'Let no man put asunder'?

I could wait.

I'd already booked a month in Tahiti for our honeymoon. Where we could play castaways and run around naked on a private tropical beach. We went anyway and the trip only brought us even closer. And I'd bought her a home in the mountains as a wedding gift, so I gave that to her at Christmas instead.

“You bought me a house?” she squealed.

“I'm hoping you'll let me live there with you. You wanted to be able to see your family more and your snowboarding friend.”

“Is this some ruse to get me skiing, because you know I have zero aptitude for sports.”

“It's enough that you look cute trying and I get to tow you around on the end of my pole.”

I could wait forever if need be. All I wanted was Carina's body scythed around mine every moment of our lives.

“Jared,” she appears in my office one morning, her voice wobbling and every part of her body shaking.

I leap from my chair and pick her up in my arms, settling us on the couch with Carina curls up on my knee.

“We never talked about children.”

“Because our lives are so full of each other,” I say, kissing her face which I note is damp from recent tears.

“So does that mean you don't want anyone else between us?” she whimpers.

“Of course not Darlin', no one could ever come between us.”

I startle then, the information suddenly downloading.
