Page 21 of Positively Inked

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“Thank you Jay,” I whisper before going to put them in a vase. He shuts the door and walks in, looking around.

“This place is gorgeous.”

“Thanks, I decorated it myself,” I say, placing the flowers on the coffee table in the living room next to one of the scented candles.

“I hope you’re hungry?” I ask as I open the oven and use my oven gloves to take the hot dish out. He breathes in deeply and I can see he’s happy. I’m happy.

I dish up the food and as I put it down he comes to where the chairs are and waits.

“Sit,” I tell him, “I’m going to pour some wine.”

“You do too much for me,” he comments, taking his seat and smiling. I put his wine in front of him and pour myself a glass before sitting down next to him. We have an easy conversation as we eat, talking about what we have been up to. I tell Jason everything about the studio and what my plans are. Well, almost everything. I don’t tell him about JJ because I don’t want to hurt him. Jason explains to me about his therapy and his realizations, and how he’s doing better at work and in all aspects of his life, except love. With dinner done we move the conversation to the living room where we sit next to each other on the sofa, my leg pressing against his.

I feel a little light headed from the wine and I find I giggle a little too hard at his silly teasing. He’s all smiles with me and drapes his arm along the back of the sofa, playing with my hair gently.

“I had better go, Ly,” he says after a moment of silence.

“Don’t,” I comment, looking into his eyes.

“I don’t want to rush this, I don’t want to ruin this a second time.”

I’m sure it’s the wine talking, combined with my near death experience, but I stand up and offer him my hand. He takes it and stands too, letting me lead him to my bedroom. “Stay,” I murmur to him before pulling him onto my bed.

It’s not like we were dating or anything, I remind myself as I tuck Heather into bed. I’m pretty sure my child can sense that my mind is elsewhere because she grabs my cheeks and says, “I said sweet dreams, Daddy!”

“Sorry baby, sweet dreams, I love you.”

“Love you too.”

She settles into her bed and I kiss her head gently before leaving. I pour myself a whiskey and head upstairs to my room; there’s a sliding door that leads to a balcony in my room and I go there. I have a chair there and I sit my ass down, sipping my whiskey slowly.

I don’t know what happened, or how. One minute I was minding my own business and the next minute I had this gorgeous woman pinned against a wall, my fingers buried deep in her wet pussy, ready to fuck her then and there, and then she’s outside kissing some guy.


The worst part is that I feel like I’ve lost something, as though I was attached to her somehow, committed to some sort of… I don’t know… Something. I know we never said it out loud and today was the first time it progressed beyond just glances and stolen kisses, but I was ready. I was ready to pleasure her in ways she never knew she could be, and then she’s outside, kissing some fucking guy.

It hurts.



It doesn’t fucking hurt. It can’t hurt because we weren’t seeing each other. We were just fooling around. That’s just my bruised ego talking now. I’ve been shown up by some guy she obviously knows, has probably been dating for some time, or who has been flirting with her or some fucking thing, and she has made her choice.

Well, good for her.

I didn’t want any complications anyway. I just wanted to go to work, do my shit, go home and take care of my family, and that’s exactly what I’m going to focus on.

I get up and go fetch the whiskey bottle, bringing it back to the balcony with me. Fuck my glass, I drink straight from the bottle, settling back to do whatever the fuck I like because I’m a grown ass man who has no bitch to answer to.

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit, the hangover I have right now is not worth it. I woke up on the balcony just before six, freezing cold with a quarter bottle of whiskey left on the floor next to me. Not my best idea.

Heather will be up soon.

I go take a nice hot shower and brush my teeth and tongue raw until I get rid of that sickening taste of alcohol from my mouth. I want to puke. No, I don’t. I’m not going to puke.

I puke.
