Page 26 of Bedroom King

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Obviously, I’d prefer to tutor than serve people food, but tuition costs a hell of a lot more than what tutoring would pay. “I’d be glad to tutor you, but you and I know how expensive Exley is. A few hours of weekly tutoring won’t cover the costs.”

“My family may not have as much money as you, but I’ll do anything to avoid losing these football scholarships. It’s the only reason my dad is proud of me.”

Blade’s statement hit a little too close to home. “Sounds like you and I have something in common.”

He pushed himself back in his chair, crossing his arms once more. “So, name your price.”

Tutoring sessions would give us alone time, which maybe wouldn’t have been the worst thing in the world. Hell, I was even willing to negotiate giving him exactly what he wanted as part of the deal. “I’ll forward my monthly tuition bill to you. As long as it gets paid, then I guarantee you’ll graduate on the Dean’s list.”

“Deal.” He smiled and gestured with both hands. “We’ll tell people that’s why we’re hanging out and that’ll also protect your reputation.”

I rolled my eyes at Blade’s attempt at a joke.

“Well, now that we’ve worked out a deal, can you help me study tonight?” he asked.

I checked the time as I took a sip of coffee. It was later than I’d have liked, but I wasn’t in the position to say no. “Yeah, I can do that.”

Blade and I headed back to the Omicron Alpha fraternity house, where several guys were busy playing video games in the dark living room. They were all smiles as we walked through the door and headed up the stairs.

Thankfully, Blade set the record straight before we got too far.

“She’s only tutoring me, you guys, okay?”

They didn’t seem to believe him as they burst out laughing, so I felt the need to drive the point home.

“Seriously, guys. Nothing is happening or has happened between Blade and me. Understand?”

Whether or not they believed me, it didn’t matter. My stern yet motherly tone set the record straight, and the guys quickly went back to playing video games in the dark. Without dignity. Without pussy. With only the lingering eyes of jealousy.

Blade’s bedroom screamed bachelor bad. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, with empty plastic cups on the nightstand, and shoes practically falling out of the closet.

“So, do you need me to be a housekeeper too?” I questioned.

Blade tidied up before we sat down on his bed, as if I hadn’t already seen the mess. He piled the shoes into the closet and kicked a mess of clothes underneath the bed. He then passed me a cheeky smile before guiding me to the bed, where we spent the next hour discussing world history and chemistry. To my surprise, he wasn’t a dumb jock by any means, but his mind had a tendency to wander. One minute, he was fully engrossed in the subject material, and the next, he was staring at my breasts.

By hour two, both of us were officially done with studying.

“I can’t read about the elements anymore,” he said. “Wanna make out?”

I burst out laughing and was about to leave when Blade flashed his signature smile. That sexy, bright-white smile that made every girl on campus go weak in the knees. Every girl but me. Every girl but me until that night. “Look, I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am, but all we need is a study break.”

“Making out is a great stress-reliever.”

That was all the convincing that I needed.

The next thing I knew, Blade and I were fully undressed and again going down on each other.

My first job was proving to be quite freeing.

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