Page 23 of Seize Me

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Shit.Busted.“I…Um.”My stutter drew Mika’s infamous Dom glare.And he leveled that damn intimidating thing at me with maximum effect.“After everything that happened today, I never got around to it.”

“I see,” he replied with a disgruntled sigh.

“Dammit, Leagh,” Tony hissed.

Snapping my head to the left, I saw that Mr.Whip-That-Ass himself stood on the opposite side of the bed near the nightstand.Arms crossed over his beefy chest, his dark eyes blazed in a mixture of anger and concern.And strangely, his face looked ashen and unusually pale.

“Look, I’m sorry.I didn’t mean to forget.Okay?”

Their displeasure was a double shot of guilt that burned like cheap whiskey.

“Don’t start with the attitude, angel.I’ll make sure you get a red ass, and this time, you won’t like it.”

“What are you doing here, anyway?”I snapped.“Don’t you have a sub to take care of?I’m fine.You can leave.”

Tony’s jaw clenched as his eyes narrowed.“You don’t listen worth a shit, you know that?”

“Yeah, yeah.I know.Proper submissives don’t…”

“Leagh,” Mika growled in warning.

I exhaled a heavy sigh then turned my attention back to Mika.“I’m sorry, Sir.I had every intention of eating today.I swear.”

“Well, you’re going to now, little one,” Master Stephen announced as he stepped up to the foot of my bed, wearing the requisite Dom scowl.

What was it with Doms?Did they have to pass Intimidation 101 before they could pick up a flogger?And just how many pissed off Doms were in here, for crying out loud?I glanced around.Three.Three against one.The odds were definitely not in my favor.Drake shouldered his way through the throng gathered at the mouth of my door, his expression tense.Four.Great.Now I was up to four angry Doms.It was a banner night for me.

Sitting up, I glanced at the furious but concerned faces and tossed my hands in the air.

“Fine.I’ll eat!But somebody’s going to have to give me a ride to a burger joint, because my car’s down the street with an empty gas tank.Who’s got a pair of tennis shoes in a size five, because my favorite Jimmy Choos are ruined from the fucking rain?Oh!And I’ll need to bum a few bucks because Hayden and Sloane have taken every penny I own.”My voice cracked as fat tears spilled from my eyes.“And while you’re at it, can somebody please bring my Master back, because I can’t do this anymore?I just can’t.”

Disgusted and utterly pathetic, I drew the blanket over my face and sobbed.

Mika leaned in and pulled me to his chest as I silently cursed myself for not being stronger.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Stephen announced.“I’m going to run out and get the girl some food.If Carnation finishes comforting Destiny before I get back, please let her know that I’ll return shortly.”

“Will do,” Tony replied.“Thank you for allowing your girl to stay with Destiny.”

“I’m happy to help,” Stephen replied.“When I get back, I’ll help you get Leagh’s car, too.”

Sobbing against Mika, I listened as Tony and Stephen arranged their plans.A small part of me wanted to pull back and demand they stay out of my life, but a bigger, more grateful part of me felt nothing but relief.The bed dipped behind me as Tony’s rugged body covered me from behind.His hot breath danced over the shell of my ear, and I trembled at the tangled rush of emotions crashing through me.

“Shhh.It’s going to be all right, Leagh,” he whispered.“We’ll get you through this.”

“Tony’s right, pet,” Mika soothed, brushing a hand over my hair.“You’ve had one hell of a bad day.But it’s behind you now.We’re going to get you back on your feet.No matter how long it takes.”

Long minutes passed before I was able to pull myself together and stop the tears.Mika and Tony continued to hold and reassure me while I felt like a hundred different ways of humiliated over my meltdown.

Only when Stephen returned with a fast-food sack and a thick chocolate shake did Tony and Mika ease back.Immediately missing Tony, I sucked down my disappointment and sat up in bed, still unsure if I could gag the burger down.But with Tony, Mika, Drake, and Stephen watching me like a damn science experiment, I managed to eat half of it, and thankfully, it was enough to appease them.

The crowd outside the door had moved on, and one by one, the intimidating Doms left my room…all except Tony.

“Don’t do this to yourself again, young lady, or else,” Tony lectured as he sat in the spot Mika had vacated.

I pursed my lips in a frown.“It’s not like I planned to pass out.It’s been a bad day; that’s all.”

“Bad day or not, you’ll start taking care of yourself, or I’ll cuff you to this bed and do it for you.Are we clear?”
