Page 20 of Forbidden Obsession

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When I nodded, he flashed a weak smile and closed the door.

As he climbed in behind the wheel and started the engine, I took one last, long look at his picturesque house and lush green fields.

“Where am I taking you, darlin’?”

After I rattled off the address I’d memorized months ago, Blade clenched his jaw and curtly nodded. His abrupt change of demeanor confused me. Was he as unhappy about saying goodbye as I was? Foolish ribbons of hope unfurled inside me, but I quickly reeled them in. Even if he was—which I seriously doubted—I couldn’t risk getting involved with Blade, or any other man.

For now, I felt safe in Richardson. But there was no guarantee I could stay here long term. My parents weren’t only cold, calculating, and controlling, they were also tenacious and unrelenting when it came to achieving what they wanted. They wouldn’t stop searching until they found me. While I didn’t give two shit’s about leaving Wesley, it would crush me if I fell in love and had to run away again.

I didn’t want to sever all ties with Blade, but it was safer this way.

Less than twenty minutes later, he pulled to a stop in front of a red brick, one-story house in a quaint, middle-class neighborhood. Peering out the window, I drank in the sight of my former college roommate’s home. It looked exactly how I’d imagined. My mind swirled with all the warm and happy stories she used to tell me about her family, and a bittersweet smile tugged my lips.

I knew if Aubrey was inside, she’d be at the window, watching and waiting for me. The minute I pulled up, she’d run out the door, wearing a blinding smile, and steal the air from my lungs with an enormous hug.

But my best friend wasn’t there.

She was dead.

And I never had the chance to tell her goodbye.

“This the right place?” Blade asked, studying me intently.

Unsure if I could speak past the lump of emotion lodged in my throat, I nodded.

“Alrighty then. Sit tight, and I’ll help you inside,” he said, shoving the gearshift into park.

“No,” I barked, inwardly cringing at my harsh tone as he arched his brows suspiciously. “I’m good. I need to get used to moving around on my own.”

“You sure?”

“Positive.” I forced a smile. “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. If there’s anything I can do to repay you…”

“No need. It was my pleasure, Aubrey.”

His voice sounded cold and brittle. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but it was time to get out of his truck and start my new life.

“Take care of yourself,” I said, painting on a plastic smile.

“You, too.”

I opened the door and gingerly stepped onto the street, then closed it behind me. As I hobbled up the driveway, I could feel Blade’s eyes boring into me. Praying no one was inside, watching me, I limped up to the porch. Then I turned, flashed him a wide smile, and waved.

With a curt nod, Blade drove away.

I stood on the stoop, watching until he turned the corner, then exhaled a deep breath. As quickly as possible, I retraced my steps and paused near the curb to lean against a shady oak tree. Plucking the cell phone from my purse, I tapped the Uber app when a big, red truck came to a tire-smoking, screeching halt in front of me.

No. No! Oh shit!

Blade’s angry glare singed my flesh as my heart dropped to my toes and my stomach swirled.

Keeping his furious stare locked on me, he leaned over and shoved the passenger door open.

“Get in,” he snarled.

“No. You’ve done enough. I’ll be fine.”

Embarrassment and shame thundered through my veins.
