Page 56 of Forbidden Obsession

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As soon as breakfast was over, Grant had taken me shopping at an actual fetish store. I knew shops like them existed, but I’d never been brave enough to visit one.

The minute we’d crossed the threshold, I’d felt like Alice in Kinky Wonderland.

Covering the walls, every implement of pleasure and pain were grouped in sections. I recognized some of the things, like paddles, floggers, dildos, vibes, cuffs, and rope. But there were a lot of things that were a mystery to me.

The one thing that wasn’t were the racks and racks of clothing filling the center of the store.

After asking my size, Grant prowled the latex, leather, spandex, and lace, plucking out dresses, corsets, skirts, and a few barely there pieces of lingerie and draped them over his arm. When he was finished, we followed the salesclerk to a dressing room, where Grant did as he’d threatened…sat and watched me model every stitch.

I’d barely wiggled into the first dress when I noticed his cock straining beneath his jeans.

And when I slid on the black, silk-lined lace skirt and fastened the metal clasps of the rhinestone and lace corset, Grant growled and unzipped his fly.

Mouthwatering, I watched him furiously fist his cock before he raised his other hand and pointed a finger to the floor in front of him.

Thankfully, the salesclerk hadn’t interrupt and asked if we needed any help.

On our way to Genesis, the only instruction Grant gave me was to call himBladeorSir.

When we finally arrived and he escorted me through the door, I was shocked to find the lobby packed with members. They were crazy happy to see Grant, greeting him with smiles and clapping him on the back before raking me with their stares. Most were welcoming, some curious, and a few—younger women dressed to the nines in sexy fetish wear—were hateful and rude.

Feeling like a bug under a microscope, I didn’t know what to do or say, so I simply lowered my gaze to the carpet and tried to calm my frazzled nerves.

It didn’t work.

I grew increasingly anxious and insecure by the second.

As if sensing my unease, Grant tucked me against his side tighter, then flashed me a reassuring smile. Like magic, the knots in my stomach dissolved.

“This is the first time Breeze has ever been to a private club like ours,” Grant said to Sir Indigo, the young, blue-eyed Dom he’d introduced me to a few moments ago.


Hearing my club name spill off Grant’s lips made my heart flutter. Not because it was a light, airy, and beautiful name, but because of the reason he’d chosen it for me.

While I was cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast, he’d eased in behind me and nipped the lobe of my ear.

“You know you can’t stroll into the club as Emma tonight, right?”

“I know.”

“Bad thing is, you have to sign a waiver, and show ID before you can enter the dungeon. I don’t want you flashing your fake ID there, Emma. I won’t risk compromising the club in any way.”

“Then what am I supposed to do?”

“Nothing. I’m gonna ask Mack to work the podium tonight…to check in the guests and sign you in without an ID.”

“Wait. Mack’s a member of Genesis too?” I gaped.

“You didn’t hear him tell Dalton he’d see him at the club the day he dropped us at the ranch, after the tornado?”

“If I did, it didn’t register. It does now. Wow.”

Grant chuckled. “We need to come up with a club name, one that will protect your anonymity when I introduce you to people.”

“What kind of name?”

“What do you think about Breeze?”

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