Page 65 of The Breakup

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Chapter 13

Something was different about Bella. She walked around work looking smug, far more smug than a woman who had been cheated on and left with her life imploded should look. It made me think she had a guy in her bed coaxing that teasing smile to her lips.

That made me burn with the world’s most irrational jealousy. I had been a dick to her when she had texted me three nights earlier. So why wouldn’t she move on to plan B?

I had purposely forgotten her necklace two nights in a row. I wanted to give her a reason to talk to me. How stupid was that? Very stupid. But it worked. She asked me every night and had even given me a playful slap on the arm.

“What am I going to do with you?” she had asked.

The thoughts that ran through my head at that suggestion would have terrified her. I wanted to spank her for torturing me. I wanted to drive my cock so far into her she couldn’t breathe.

I was obsessed with Bella. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I watched her endlessly at work, to the point that Thomas had reprimanded me, telling me I looked like a fucking stalker. “You’re making people uncomfortable.”

“I’m not doing anything,” I protested.

Brandy, the other bartender gave a laugh. “You are eye fucking her, all night long, every night.”

My eyebrows shot up. “All night? At least I have stamina.”

She hit me with a towel before turning to lift a vodka bottle.

Thomas didn’t seem as amused. “Seriously. Knock it off. She’s going to quit if you don’t stop being weird, and she’s a pretty damn good waitress. The customers love her.”

They did. Which further fueled my jealousy. The women seemed to think she was sweet, the girls in their twenties loved gossiping with her, and the men, of all ages, thought she was gorgeous. Which she was. Bella was glowing. She had gained a few pounds, which she had needed to do, and she looked healthy and happy. Leaving her groom at the altar seemed to agree with her.

I should be happy for her. Instead, I was seething with envy and sexual tension.

So when she went on break, I turned to Brandy. “I’ll be right back.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky Thomas loves you, because you’re being a serious idiot.”

“I’m going to be two minutes. Tops.”

“Sounds like my boyfriend.”

I grinned. “Sucks to be you.”

“Yes, it does.”

Bella had taken a table at the back of the restaurant and was eating a burger. She definitely seemed to have rediscovered her love of food. I went over to her and fished her necklace out of my jeans pocket. I dangled it in front of her.

“Oh my God, Christian!” She jumped up and took it before giving me a huge hug. “Thank you.”

She felt…delicious. Her tits had gotten bigger and they were pressed against my chest in a way that had my nostrils flaring. I wrapped her in my arms and buried my nose briefly in her hair. She smelled like fresh fruit. She felt like fresh fruit. Ripe. Holy shit, I was horny. Brandy was right, I was an idiot. She moved away from me and smiled at me.

“I thought it was lost forever.”

“Yeah? I’m glad it wasn’t.” Maybe not all was lost forever. Maybe that was a sign. “I’m sorry,” I said.

Her head tilted. “For what?”

“For being a dick the other night when you texted me.” I paused, needing to be totally honest with her. “And for the way things ended between us. I didn’t want that, and I never meant to make you angry or upset.”

My reward for my honesty was a soft smile lighting up Bella’s face. “Thanks, Christian. I never meant to make you angry either. I was on emotional overload and it took me by surprise, you know, about Ali and Cain. But I shouldn’t have said the things I said. I should have just left, like an adult.”

I nodded, hands in my front pockets. “So we’re good?”

“Yeah. We’re good.”
