Page 77 of The Breakup

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Chapter 16

My father was right. I could never fake my own death because I sucked at subterfuge. I have no idea why I thought wearing sunglasses was going to prevent someone in the drugstore from recognizing me, but that was my hope. I felt like the pharmacist was being very loud when he asked me if I had any questions.

“No, I’m fine,” I said, clearing my throat.

“Some women get upset stomachs with these particular prenatal vitamins so you want to take them with food.”

Boom. There it was. Prenatal. Right out in the open. “Thanks.” I took the bag and turned, ready to bolt as if I was buying something illegal.

Unfortunately, it was worse than buying street drugs, because I came face-to-face with Ali, who Christian had told me was still in town but not really communicating with him. “Oh!”

Her eyes were narrowed and she glanced at the bag in my hand. “You’re pregnant? Congratulations.”

I flat-out panicked. I could not have this person know about the baby before Christian. I could not let him find out from her or someone else. So I told the world’s dumbest lie. “Oh, these are for my sister.”

The minute it came out of my mouth I hated myself for being so stupid. She was Cain’s ex-girlfriend. She knew Cain and Sophie were dating, so she would assume Sophie was pregnant by Cain. Which might bother her.

Shit. I was going to have to call my sister and tell her what was going on. Kennedy was still the only one who knew I was pregnant because I was worried that Sophie would tell Cain. Who would tell Christian.

“How are you?” I asked her politely, while inside wishing she would die a terrible death. I knew she had not asked to see Camp. Not even once. Which made me legitimately hate her.

She ignored the question. “I hear you’re dating Christian. I feel like I should get to know you better since you’re spending time with my son.”

That was just the ballsiest statement I had ever heard. “I don’t see Camp that often. Christian doesn’t feel it’s appropriate for him to see us as a couple when our relationship is new.”

Ali rolled her eyes. “So basically he’s just fucking you.”

That made me so angry I didn’t even hesitate. The perfect insult just flew out of my mouth. “No. Not at all. But since Camp has already been abandoned by his mother, Christian doesn’t want to risk him getting attached to a mother figure too soon.”

It was a direct hit and it felt so good.

Her jaw dropped.

It was very satisfying.

I left the drugstore, triumphant.

But when I hit the sidewalk, I called Sophie. “Okay, I screwed up,” I told her when she answered.

“Screwed up how?”

“I accidentally told Ali you’re pregnant.” I bit my fingernail and fast-walked down the sidewalk, glancing behind me like the hounds of hell might be on my tail. Which was basically Ali.

There was a pause. “What? One, why were you talking to Ali? Two, I am not pregnant.”

“But I am, and she saw me picking up my prescription after my first doctor’s appointment and I didn’t want her to know I’m pregnant so I blurted they were for you only that is totally stupid because she is Cain’s ex.”

“You’re pregnant?”

“Yes, about eight weeks.”

We all know Sophie is no dummy. Math is her thing. It took her about 1.1 seconds to say, “Christian? Holy shit, Bel.”

“I know, right?” I cut across the street to where I had parked my car. My father had arranged to have it brought from Boston, which I really appreciated. “I haven’t told him yet though, so you can’t tell Cain.”

“Why haven’t you told him? Is it because you know he is basically going to lose his shit entirely?”

I beeped my car unlocked. “I don’t know that he’ll do that. I mean, he has a son already. What is another one?” I instantly realized how naïve that sounded.
