Page 49 of Steady and Strong

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The lyrics matched Conor’s feelings perfectly. Since hearing it for the first time with Liza, he’d played it over and over, always with images of Luca and Harper floating through his mind. Conor was certain he’d never want anyone but them.

Right or wrong.

Just for tonight or for always.

When the song ended, Luca pulled back a bit. “I think we should move this dance to somewhere more private. Preferably somewhere with a bed.”

Chapter Nine

Luca wasn’t sure how they’d managed to make it from prom to Conor’s penthouse in a limo without losing any clothing, especially considering how hot and heavy they’d gotten.

The second they’d climbed into the vehicle after turning off the lights and locking the door of the restaurant, they’d come together in a rush of hands and lips and tongues. They hadn’t even cleared the damn dishes off the table; they were in too much of a hurry.

Fortunately, the limo had been parked close.

The ride had passed in the blink of an eye, but that didn’t mean they’d been idle. Luca had climbed into the car first, Harper following. She hadn’t bothered reclaiming her seat from earlier, instead hiking up the skirt of her dress—thank God for slits—and straddling his hips.

Luca hadn’t dry humped since high school, and he’d sure as shit never come from it, but damn if Harper hadn’t gotten him close. So close, he’d panicked enough to lift her off his lap and onto Conor’s, where she’d taken him on the same ride.

Luca had played out tonight—this night—with Harper and Conor so many times in his head since those first kisses that he’d almost fooled himself into believing it had already happened. He’d never had so many vivid fantasies in his life, never jerked himself off so much, only to grow rock-hard again seconds later.

The chauffeur dropped them off at the private parking garage entrance, off-loading them directly next to the elevator that led to Conor’s apartment. They didn’t waste the brief ascent, resuming the hot kisses from the limo.

As the elevator doors slid open, they walked into the living room as a singular unit, the three of them a mass of intertwined arms, their lips kissing anything and everything they could reach.

Luca ran his tongue down the side of Harper’s neck, stopping only to place a sucking kiss on her shoulder as she and Conor frenched like the plane was going down.

“Bedroom,” Luca managed to growl when they paused just inside the penthouse. Either they moved now, or Luca was pulling them down to the floor and fucking them right there.

His demand had the effect of a starter pistol as Conor and Harper broke apart, gasping for breath.

Conor clasped hands with Harper, pierced Luca with a “follow me” look, then headed toward the steps that led to his room upstairs.

Once they were in the bedroom, Conor reached for Harper again.

Luca watched them kiss, his mind going a million miles a minute, every thought leading him back to the same realization.

He was falling in love with them.

Shit, there was no falling about it. He’d already taken the tumble. Because he was pretty sure he’d lost his heart to Harper the second she’d flopped down onto that curb, bit into that Quarter Pounder with Cheese, and let loose with a moan so sexy, his dick woke up and took notice.

Luca had always been attracted to witty, fun-loving girls, looks falling much lower on his list of turn-ons. Give him a girl quick with a joke and an infectious laugh and he was a goner.

Considering all the crap Harper had endured in her life—between her shitty lovers and user dad—he was amazed by her immense positivity and giving nature. She was an amusing storyteller with a self-deprecating sense of humor, especially when it came to her newfound love of food. Luca couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t shown up at the construction site, shoving a cookie or donut or cheesesteak sub or potato chips or God only knew what else in her mouth.

She not only had a huge appetite when it came to food but also for life.

Before her arrival, Luca had fallen into a rut, his days playing on repeat, the same daily grind, same weekend activities, same hangouts, same everything. And he hadn’t sought to change it because at the heart of it all, he’d started to give up hope.

Hope that he would find the same deep, amazing love that his brothers and sister had found.

Harper had given that hope back to him, reminded him to be grateful for the small things in life, to find pleasure in the simple everyday tasks that he’d forgotten he loved.

He had never felt such an instant, visceral attraction to a woman. And it had fuck-all to do with the fact she was gorgeous, and everything to do with the fact that she was Harper.

As for Conor…well. That first kiss had been eye-opening—and it had only whetted Luca’s appetite for more.

While Conor was proving to be a tougher nut to crack, Luca didn’t intend to stop trying, because his attraction to the man was off-the-charts intense. During the rare times when Conor let his guard down, he’d revealed himself to be intelligent and insightful and fascinating. The guy was literally a walking encyclopedia, full of all these interesting tidbits, his knowledge seemingly endless. Which made sense when Luca considered all the books the man had read.
