Page 75 of Steady and Strong

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It was on the tip of Conor’s tongue to ask Luca just where he was, but he didn’t.

Because, one, he didn’t want to hear the answer, and two, he already knew. Luca was a Moretti—stubborn, passionate, and so fucking sure of himself. All but declaring his feelings aloud, ready to lay down exactly what he thought this was with a confidence that staggered Conor.

He wasn’t even that confident about what toppings he wanted on his sandwiches.

“Don’t cut me out again, okay? Please?” Luca asked…with a sincerity that pierced Conor’s heart.

It was the first time he realized how much he’d hurt Luca by walking away from their friendship back in high school. All these years, he’d thought Luca hadn’t even noticed or cared.

He swallowed hard, fighting to dislodge the lump in his throat. In the end, he didn’t bother replying, simply giving them both a short, jerky nod.

Harper got out of the backseat, grabbing his weekend bag to hand to him. She gave him a lingering kiss before flashing that siren’s smile. “Miss you already,” she said softly.

Conor forced the edges of his lips up, trying to return her smile, even as his insides began to crack apart.

Harper got into the front seat, she and Luca waving goodbye as they drove away.

Trudging into his apartment, Conor dropped his phone and keys on the table next to the elevator. He should probably take a second to unpack his charger, as the battery was dead, but he was too damn tired.

He didn’t even bother climbing the stairs because Luca was right, sleeping alone sucked. As he walked into his living room, he scrubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands, trying to ward off the coming headache. Stress was a bitch who wouldn’t be denied her pound of flesh. He may have managed to maintain control last night, but there was no holding her at bay today.

Dropping onto the couch, he grabbed a throw blanket and closed his eyes, hoping he would make it through the night unscathed.

Those hopes were dashed when, several hours later, he woke up in the throes of an anxiety attack.

And it was a doozy.

Chapter Thirteen

Harper climbed into the front seat of Luca’s truck after dropping off Conor. The two of them waved at their…well…Luca had dubbed him their boyfriend, and Harper had to admit that sounded just fine to her.

She waited until they exited the parking garage and made it back to the street before she spoke.

“That felt weird, right?” Harper had noticed a difference in Conor the moment they woke up this morning.

For one thing, instead of being in bed with her and Luca, Conor had been sitting across the room, reading a book on the couch. She watched him for several minutes, lazing in bed without revealing she was awake so she could revel in her happiness. Eventually, she realized he hadn’t turned the page, not once. He was looking at it, but he sure as hell wasn’t reading it. She thought perhaps that meant he was too blown away by the weekend to concentrate on anything other than their relationship and the most incredible sex ever.

That idea was immediately dismissed when she sat up and said, “Good morning.”

Conor’s gaze hadn’t been that of a lover reliving an amazing night. There were too many shadows in his expression, and the dark circles under his eyes told her his sleep hadn’t been as peaceful as hers.

Luca sighed. “Yeah. It was weird.”

“Did we miss something? Because as far as weekend trips went, that was the best one ever for me.”

Luca grinned as he reached across the console to squeeze her thigh. “Me too. I’m not sure what changed.”

“He was sure as shit all in last night. That guy…” Harper said wistfully, using the nickname they’d given Conor’s seriously alpha side.

“That guy was all in last night, but Conor was definitely lukewarm today.” Luca rubbed his beard, and she could see he was as bothered by Conor’s about-face as she was. “Of course, if we’re being honest with ourselves, he’s been hot and cold ever since we shared those first kisses on his couch.”

“At first, I thought it was because he was determined to stand firm on the professional stance, but since prom…I’d hoped he’d turned the corner on that. Maybe he’s having regrets? Or second thoughts?” Harper prayed that wasn’t true because she would hate to think Conor was sorry about a single second that they’d spent together.

“I don’t think it has anything to do with being professional.”

Harper wasn’t sure what to make of that. “What do you think it is then?” She recalled Luca asking—almost begging—Conor not to walk away from this a few minutes ago. Was there some part of their history she was missing?

“Do you think it’s the threesome concept he’s struggling with?” she asked.
