Page 50 of Ice Falls

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She stared at him, perplexed. “Why would hanging out with you put me in danger?”

“Because…” He hesitated a long moment before seeming to make up his mind about something. “For the past year I’ve been surveilling the Chilkoots.”


It didn’t take long for Molly to add it all up. Sam watched her wheels turn and everything fall into place.

“Surveilling them. That’s why you accepted that invitation and dragged me along.”

He didn’t insult her by pretending otherwise. “Yes.”

“And here I thought we might end up in bed together.” Teasing him, in that tongue-in-cheek way of hers.

It worked, too; his body responded automatically to the thought of her naked in his bed. “I was keeping something important from you. That would have felt wrong. Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to.”

She held up a hand. “Whoa, buddy. I was just joking around. Are you going to share any more details, or just drop that bombshell and run?”

“I’m right here in my own bedroom. Hardly running.”

“Maybe we should. Do you think they’re onto you? Is that why they’re shooting?”

Excellent question. “I don’t know. I’m more concerned about you at this point. How much longer are you…considering staying?”

She folded her legs under her, tailor-style. “In your house? Until I get some answers. And until I figure out how to help El—the Chilkoot kid.”

“If you want me to help him, you’ll have to tell me his name eventually,” he said dryly.

Worrying at her lower lip, she took a moment to answer. “Now I can’t figure out if I came to the exact wrong person or the exact right person for help. How do I know you won’t give him up to the Chilkoots as part of your ‘surveillance’?”

“I told you you’re in charge. I meant it.” He hoped she could read his sincerity in his eyes. He did mean it, especially now that someone had fired at his house.

She gestured at him. “You first. Tell me what’s going on with the Chilkoots. Why are you surveilling them, other than for general weirdness and unusual fashion choices?”

“You know I shouldn’t be telling you any of this, right? Not even the fact that we’re investigating. I’m taking a huge leap of trust here.”

She tipped her head, acknowledging that point. “I can well imagine. But getting shot at changes things, right? You can’t let me blunder around blind. That’s why you’re telling me.”

He tipped his head in agreement. “Yes.”

“Who’s the ‘we’ you’re talking about? Who’s investigating? Who do you work for?”

“First of all, it’s ‘with.’ I’m working ‘with’ the FBI, but I’m not an agent. They approached me because I was flying into Firelight Ridge on a regular basis and therefore had a built-in cover story.”

He filled her in on the basics, keeping it to the bare minimum. The witness who reported seeing massive amounts of ammo. The spate of unexplained deaths and disappearances. The vanishing of the agent who’d been working the case before him.

Her eyes widened as she absorbed that piece of information. “Jesus, Sam. This sounds really dangerous.”

“That’s why I think you should leave town.” He leaned forward and took her hands. Her fingers curled around his. Breathing in her scent—sweat and sweetness—he felt a little dizzy. “I’ll fly you out first thing tomorrow. We can bring the Chilkoot kid and take him to Children’s Services.”

She was already shaking her head. “He won’t do that.”

“You have to talk him into it. Come on, Molly. What other choice is there?” He leaned closer, to persuade, and caught a whiff of her scent. It gave him a punch of arousal.

“I don’t know, I don’t know.” She shook her head, biting her lip. “I just met him. To talk him into anything, I’d need more time. So I can’t leave.”


“It’s not just him. It’s Lila. I can’t leave her here.”
