Page 119 of Little Lies

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“I’m so sorry, angel. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I get if you’re upset with me,” he said, his words flowing out of him rapidly. Tully opened her mouth to speak, but didn’t get a chance. “But I’m also not that sorry, because I meant everything I said.”

Tully blinked. On the porch, her chest had beat so rapidly she thought it might grow wings and fly away. Combined with her rushing head and adrenaline-packed dizziness, she had thought she might fly away too.

She felt that way again now. So unbelievably disoriented and infatuated with him that she couldn’t think straight.

But that was the point, wasn’t it. To not think straight.


“What would you like from me? Some grand gesture? A public proclamation that I’m crazy about you? Tell me and I’ll do it. Give me the word and it’s yours. All of it,” he said. “Tell me what it’ll take to get you to admit you like me too, angel. I know you do, but I need to hear you say it. I’ll get on my knees and beg if you’d like.”

She had thought long and hard about what she was going to say on her drive over, but none of it stuck. Like it had been whited-out of her mind.

She took a deep breath. He leaned in toward her like she was the only one who knew the thrilling ending to a story. She wasn’t always good with these things, so she said it the only way her stupid stubborn self knew how.

“I’m a liar, you know? As it turns out, a pretty good one too. I’ve lied to everyone, including you.Especiallyyou.” She met his gaze and willed him to understand what she meant.

For a moment, it looked like he didn’t. His brows furrowed and his gaze shifted back and forth between her eyes until a light clicked behind his and the corner of his lips rose. He stepped forward so they were chest to chest, her head tilted back to look up at him.

“Lie to me. Lie to me every day if you want. You can tell me anything—as insane as you can think up—and I will believe it because you are the one saying it. Just don’t break my heart.”

“Fine,” she lifted her fingers one by one and started listing off the biggest lies of her life. “I don’t like you. I don’t like how kind you are. I don’t like how good you are with people, and how everyone likes you. I don’t like how sweet you are to your mom, and how you always remember my favorite things. I really,reallydon’t like you, Nathan Rondeau.”

His face had to hurt from how big he was smiling. Tully bit her lip, and exhaled lightly.

“That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Nathan’s hand reached up, hovering next to her face as he took a step forward, forcing her to step backwards. She didn’t move far before her back gently hit the cold window. “Yes or no?”

Tully was having a hard time keeping her face straight because a hidden smile stung the corners of her mouth. He already knew that answer.

She couldn’t hold it back anymore and beamed up at him.


He grabbed her cheeks before she fully finished the single word and Tully closed her eyes as he pressed their lips together.

The eternal rain cloud over her head broke just enough for a ray of sunshine to scatter its golden glow through the millions of water drops.

She exhaled into his lips, and basked in the light that was Nathan.

Sunshine and rain collided on her lips and she saw true color for the first time in the form of a rainbow, dancing on the back of her eyelids.

He grinned against her mouth as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her until her breath was gone and her toes tingled.

Stupid, stupid Nathan Rondeau. He knew exactly how to make her weak in the knees and hold her against the cold window while she begged time to stand still forever and leave her and him alone in this bedroom where they slowly fell in love without realizing it.

Joliet would already be talking. Rumors would soon be rampant. They were about to become the most notorious duo in the town’s history; forever known as the couple who fooled everyone.

But who cares what anyone said—it was the best lie she ever told.

the end
