Page 18 of Coming Home

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“They were at a different stage in life. They were both established in their careers and knew where they saw their futures. I'm just saying, you and Wyatt didn’t have any of that.”

I glance up to find Wyatt exiting the clubhouse. His head is down and his focus is on his phone. He’s going to walk right past my car and there’s no way he won't notice me. But I can't deal with him again. My brain has been a jumbled mess since Leo spilled the beans today.

“Dad, I need to go. I don’t have long before I have to leave for the airport, but I’ll be back in a few days.”

“Ok. Everything’s set with the movers?”

“Yeah…” I trail off as I watch Wyatt move closer. “Dad, I have to go. I’ll probably be leaving before you get home, but I’ll call you when I get to California. Ok?”

“Ok. Love you, princess.”

“Love you, Daddy.”

I toss my phone on the passenger’s seat and turn the key to start the engine. The noise has Wyatt lifting his gaze and our eyes meet. He looks surprised for a moment, then he’s walking a little faster and closing the distance between us.

Reversing out of my parking spot, I try to make it out of here before Wyatt can reach me. I shift into drive right as he darts outin front of my car. I slam on the break and stare at him like he’s crazy.

“Get out of the way!” I shout after I roll down the window.

“I want to take you to the airport.” He folds his arms over his chest and waits.

“Why? Jax is going to take me.”

“Tell him he’s off the hook. I'm driving you instead.”

“What if I don’t want you to?” I glare at him. Hating him really is easier than remembering how much I used to love him.

“Then I’ll follow you home and block Jax’s car in the driveway. I’ll pay every guy on the team to come block every car on Mulberry Lane.”

“I’ll call Macy.” I shrug like it’s not a big deal, but I know she’s at work and she won't be able to take me.

“Macy’s working late tonight. She mentioned that at the bar. Stop avoiding me, Charlie. Let me drive you to the airport, then you can enjoy walking away from me again.”

“Whatever. I'm leaving in an hour.” I wave for him to move out of my way and quickly maneuver out of the parking lot as soon as he does. Maybe if I can get ready fast enough, I can convince Jax to leave before Wyatt gets to Mulberry Lane.

Chapter 8


I smirk as I watch her speed out of the parking lot. Charlie’s stubborn. More stubborn than most people I know, but she doesn’t realize I’ve always loved chasing her. I'm not going to back down just because things are hard.

Nah, I'm going to up my game and that starts with getting Jax and Cody on my side. I’ll slowly convince everyone in the family to help me get my girl back and I truly don’t think it will take much effort. They’ve always wanted to see us end up together.

Wyatt: How much will it take for you to drag your feet on leaving to take Charlie to the airport?

I'm just walking in my front door when my phone pings with a new text. A slow smile spreads over my face when I see Jax responded.

Jax: I guess that depends on why you want her delayed. *raised brow emoji*

Wyatt: I want to take her and if I know Charlie, she’s probably trying to get ready as quickly as possible so she’ll be gone by the time I get there.

Jax: She really is pretty predictable.


Jax: I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone pack this frantically.

Wyatt: When does she actually need to leave to get there on time?
