Page 35 of Coming Home

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“Do any of you know why Wyatt broke up with me?” I glance around the room, knowing only a handful of them do.

“I know now, but I didn’t then.” Dad’s voice is strong. He isn't embarrassed by his actions, nor did I think he would be. He trusted Wyatt with my heart and while his intentions were good, he still broke me in the process. I think he’s the only one I'm not mad at. He promised Wyatt he’d destroy him if he broke my heart. Yet he went easier on him than anyone. At least Wyatt knew what to expect where he was concerned.

“He told me later on after the dust had settled. I told Wes and Kennedy. I'm sure Wes told Addi. What’s your point?” Blake keeps his chin held high; he’s waiting to see what I have to say.

“He broke me. He might as well have torn my heart out of my chest and smashed it into the ground. I was so numb when I moved. I didn’t really care where I went or what I did, I just had to get away from here. I went through the motions. I went to school, I studied, worked out, and ate or slept when I felt like I should, but nothing mattered to me. I think the only reason I did so well in school is because I threw myself into it and used it as a way to forget about my life.”

“What does this have to do with us?” Lincoln raises his voice again.

“Shut up and you’ll find out,” Olivia hisses at his side.

“I didn’t want to come home because everything reminded me of Wyatt. Everyone knows Blake and I are the closest, and it was weird because I thought he would be my future father-in-law and now everything was ruined.”

“Princess, nothing could ruin our relationship. You know that.” Blake takes a step towards me, but Kennedy stops him. She knows I need to get this out and I won't be able to do it if he touches me.

“Things were awkward for so long. It took some time, but eventually everything got back to normal. I could spend time with Blake and his family and it wasn’t weird anymore. I could walk around Mulberry Lane and not feel like a weight was pressing on my chest. I could come home and not feel out of place.”

“You’ll always belong here, princess.” Dad squats down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders, then presses a kiss to my head. He’s such a supportive man. I don’t know what I’d do without him to rely on.

“But so does Wyatt. He didn’t break up with me because he didn’t love me or because he wanted to be able to do whatever he wanted. He did it because he wanted me to follow my own dreams rather than tagging along with him as he lived out his. He did itforme. He put me first and broke his own heart in the process. Hedid it knowing there was a chance I’d hate him forever because he didn’t want me to look back one day and regret everything.”

“Wyatt’s always welcome here, Charlie,” Mom says softly.

“Exactly. He’swelcomehere. He doesn’tbelonghere anymore.” I shake my head and watch as Mom’s face falls.

I meet each and every person’s gaze before I continue. There’s guilt and remorse in every one of them. Well, except Creed. I love that kid. He’s always so happy and genuinely himself.

“You all treated him like shit. You all kicked him when he was down. You proved something to him that he’s always believed and I doubt you even realized you were doing it.”

“What are you talking about?” Blake asks slowly.

“Everyone leaves. Everyone’s love is conditional,” I whisper as I lose my fight with my emotions.

“Fuck!” Blake roars and covers his face with his hands. I knew this would affect him the most and that kills me. I don’t want to hurt him, but he needs to see what everyone has done to his son.

Blake was the only adult who stood by Wyatt after his parents died. The only person Wyatt could count on. He swore he was never going to leave or stop loving him and I know without a doubt he’s going to beat himself up over this for a long time.

“You all made him feel unloved. Unwanted. Unworthy of this family. I'm so disappointed in all of you. Especially when I was welcomed with open arms and a soft place to land every time I came home. He deserved that too. He didn’t do anything wrong;it just feels like he did because I was hurt when he made a selfless decision.”

“Shit, now I feel bad,” Sammie groans.

“We should all feel bad,” Nate adds. He’s got such a big heart, I'm sure he’s hurting after finding out he treated Wyatt poorly for no reason. He did the same to Lincoln after Olivia left their hometown. He assumed Lincoln was to blame and wasn’t there for him. He still feels bad about it.

“I thought you all deserved to know the truth. Now, I'm going to bed, I need to be up for work early tomorrow. I get to face Wyatt and know because of me, he lost everyone he ever loved.” I stare at them for a few more seconds before I leave the pavilion and let the door slam shut behind me.

I'm no more than a few yards away when I hear the door open and close. A few seconds later, strong arms wrap around me and I'm spun around to face a wide chest.

“How did I not see it?” Blake asks. His cheeks are stained with tears and I know they will be for the rest of the night. “I saw him pulling away and I never realized we were the reason. I thought he was doing it because he wanted to keep his distance from you.”

“He didn’t feel welcome anymore. He did what Wyatt does when he doesn’t feel loved. He retreats and licks his wounds. That’s how he acted when he thought he was going to have to leave you as a kid too.”

“I'm so fucking stupid. I should’ve seen it! I should’ve stepped in and helped him like a good dad would’ve.” Blake scrubs his hand down his face, looking more destroyed than I’ve ever seen someone.

“You are a good dad. You just need to show him you’restillhis dad. That you never left him.”

Chapter 16

