Page 185 of Avenging Angel

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“Eight of them?” I said to relay these thoughts.

“Phoenix is the tenth largest city in America,” he replied. “And it’s growing exponentially with everyone moving in from California. Not to mention, Tucson, Vegas, San Diego, LA and Albuquerque are less than a day’s car ride away. Easy to find new turf and the things they need. So yeah, honey. Eight of them.”

“Clarice told us to find this Divinity, and not a week went by, and she’s vanished.”

“How deep have you looked into the first ‘who?’”


I was so focused on the second one, the only digging we did was into Christina.

And even with her, we didn’t dig too far.

Even so, I told him about that. “On the face of it, Christina Markovic doesn’t get along with her mom. But they’re tight. They’re just their personal brand of messed-up tight.”

“You do what you gotta do, babe. I’m just telling you, this might end up as nothing. I’ve worked enough cases where a wife is certain her husband is cheating on her, and he isn’t. Or an employer thinks an employee is stealing from a company, when they aren’t, that not everything is as it seems. Some things have an explanation.”

“In short, you think, with what happened to Macy, that I’m imagining bogeymen around every corner.”

“I didn’t say that,” he replied gently. “What I will say is, you cannot do this kinda shit unless you understand yourself and your own motivations. If you don’t, they can cloud your reasoning and judgement. So you should consider it.”

He was making sense, therefore I went back to my brows and said, “I’ll consider it.”


I looked to him and brandished my eyebrow pencil. “Dude, do you not know how delicate this operation is?”

His eyes crinkled and his beard quirked.

“You’re heard, honey, so can I finish my eggs and makeup?” I requested.

“You got it, babe,” he relented and moved away.

I looked at the clock on the microwave and let out little squeal.

At this rate, I was going to be at least fifteen minutes late to work, if not twenty.

I had to get my ass in gear.


* * *

I’d just leftmy apartment and was walking down the walkway, when my next-door neighbor, Rhea, opened her door and poked her head out.

Her hair was a mess, her eyes still drowsy, and I was surprised she was awake considering she did the evening shift at Chopper John’s biker bar, this fact meaning she didn’t often come to our shindigs, unless they were in the afternoon, because she was working.

“Dig it you’re getting it regular, sister, but lay off the headboard at five in the morning.”

“Oh God, can you hear us?” I asked.

“No, not until this morning.” Her grin was as drowsy as her eyes. “Sounded good though.”

I returned her grin. “It totally was. But we’ll have a mind.”

“All I ask.”

Her door closed.
