Page 23 of Avenging Angel

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“That isn’t exactly help,” I informed him.

His lips flirted with that smile again.

I liked it again.

Someone, shoot me.

I turned back to my friend. “I’m fine. He’s fine. Mace is fine. Most importantly, Elsie Fay is back with her parents and she’s fine.”

Or she would be if they bypassed religion and took her to see a child psychologist. Jesus was good for a whole host of things, and he might be the son of God, but he was also a carpenter, not a counselor.

“Did you also take her by CVS and get her tampons?” Luna asked Cap.


I was done.

I went to my bed, and making sure my robe stayed closed in all the important places, I fell backward on it.

“No,” Cap drawled. “We missed that errand.”

“Okay then,” Luna said to Cap. “She’s fine. You’re fine, in more ways than one, by the way. Whoever this Mace is, is fine. Elsie Fay is too. Someone needs to go to CVS, because it’s two days and counting, but that’s not gonna be me. I’ve had enough of Raye’s harebrained deviltry for one night. I’m outta here.”

Told you she had a good vocabulary.

I sensed her walking away and knew she was doing it when she bid, “See you at work tomorrow.”

“See you,” I mumbled.

She made no noise since she was wearing a pair of her beat-up Toms, but I heard the front door close.

Then I felt the bed depress as Cap sat, his hip by my hip.

He leaned into a hand on the other side of me so all I could see was him.

My brain took this unfortunate moment to remind me how much I liked his hands.

Also, his beard.

“So, you can tell me tomorrow when I take you out to dinner about that shit on your wall,” he declared. “Now, tell me what this music is.”

I didn’t have it in me to fight anymore.

So I said, “Marconi Union.”

“Why are you listening to it?”

“It’s ambient. It’s relaxing.”

“Fleetwood Mac’sRumorsis relaxing. Ray Lamontagne’s anything is relaxing. Joni Mitchell, Jack Johnson, James Taylor are relaxing. Miles Davis and Billie Holiday are relaxing. If you gotta go there, Enya is relaxing. Nick Drake is the essence of relaxing.”

Wow, I was impressed with his knowledge of music.

“This is just weird,” he concluded.

“I like it,” I pointed out the obvious.

At that, he did something very,verybad.
