Page 233 of Avenging Angel

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“The really good cops you know,” I deduced.


I gave my attention back to the view, took in a deep breath and let it out.

The heat wasn’t overbearing, autumn was definitely in the cards. The clouds were fluffy against the pale blue of the sky, and the view was ridiculously gorgeous. It would be downright insane at sunset.

And I wished with all my heart my sister was standing beside me so she could see it.

On that thought, entirely tuned to me, Cap spoke.

“Mace wanted me to tell you, or more to the point, offer his time if you want to talk about Macy. His little sister was also abducted and murdered…”

My head snapped his way.

“…she was older than Macy. It was a kidnap and ransom situation, and Mace was there, trying to do a hostage exchange, him for her, when they killed her. And yes, he witnessed it. So he doesn’t get you, but he gets you.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered, thinking about that tall, strong, handsome man, who was such a brother to Cap, he pulled out all the stops to bring my sister back to me, and who was openly happy with his wife, daughter and son.

“It took him a while,” Cap said softly. “But we all learn to put it behind us, move on and live as much life as we can in the time we have. Mace knows Caitlin would want that for him?—”

“And Macy would want that for Dad and me,” I finished for him.

“Yeah, honey,” he repeated tenderly.

She’d never grown old enough to have adult thoughts like that.

Even so, she loved her daddy and her big sister, so I knew that to be true all the way to the deepest part of me.

I twisted my neck further to look through our shoulders, and I caught Dad and Shirleen, standing together at the window, quickly moving their heads to cover the fact they were watching us.

I turned my attention back to Cap. “You know this means we can never break up. Dad already thought a lot of you. Now he’ll love you for all his days.”

“I never intend to break up with you.”



I blinked. “Never?”

“Did you miss the part I said just a second ago about you being it for me?”

“I know you’re into me, Cap, you’ve told me and shown me. But we haven’t even been seeing each other for two weeks.”

He cracked a smile. “Really, straight up, babe, you gotta read those Rock Chick books.”


That was huge.

And I loved it.

However, I decided in that moment I was never going to read those books, or at least, not for a good, long while.

And I decided it because I hated spoilers with an all-consuming passion.

So I was just gonna let it unfold, because, so far, it was working hella great for me.
