Page 241 of Avenging Angel

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“We live in perpetual summer in Phoenix, Cap.”

“Please don’t try to convince me you don’t have different clothes for the different seasons.”

He was too shrewd.

Though, I wasn’t exactly secretive about being a clotheshorse.

“Whatever, okay. I’ll do a seasonal purge.”

He grinned. “Awesome, baby.”

He could say that again.

I kissed him again.

This time, I aimed at his mouth.

Cap didn’t laugh at that.

Not even a little bit.

* * *

Only twenty minuteslate after our moving-in-together festivities (yeah, we did it, though Cap took it to the bedroom so we didn’t do it on the kitchen floor), we forged our way through the jungle and into Scott and Louise’s house, with me shouting, “We’re here!”

A black lab mixed with something (a pittie?) came and jumped on me.

Cap, balancing the tray of casserole in his other hand, pushed him off.

“We are too!” Louise called from the bowels of the house.

We hit the living room, were surrounded by other dogs, but that wasn’t why we stopped dead.

Tex was on the couch, his arms along the back, and Scott and Louise’s cats were crawling all over him, with one curled up, apparently asleep in his lap.

“Yo!” he boomed.

“Tex,” I cried, tossing my purse off, but still keeping hold on the trifle bowl while dashing to him.

Cats scattered as I juggled the bowl and hugged him, even though he didn’t move a muscle on the couch.

“Woman!” Another boom. “I don’t hug!”

I popped back, still smiling at him.

“Fuck the turkey,” he proclaimed. “I just want whatever’s in that bowl.”

My smile grew to a huge-ass grin.

Then, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Shirleen come in, wearing one of Louise’s aprons around her waist to protect her gorgeous burnt-sienna sweater dress.

“That better be your green bean casserole, son,” she said to Cap.

I just caught the happy grin that spread on his face before I raced to her and gave her a hug.

She hugged me back, and when we broke, she looked me up and down. “My girl, Raye. Always turned outgood.”

“Same to you,” I replied. “And what an amazing surprise! I’m so happy you’re here!”
