Page 82 of Avenging Angel

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Louise put the plate down with a clatter and sat her ass back in a huff.

Oh boy.

“Scott, you and I disagree that we should leave our pregnant daughter and the mother of our two grandbabies high and dry,” Louise said sharply.

“Louise, you and I have been disagreeing on what we should be doing with Dream for a solid thirty years,” Scott bit back.


Luna was a year older than me.

And Dream was thirty.

Suddenly, this got contentious and historical, and that was a volatile mix.

“I know I’m not lending her another dime,” Luna chimed in, reaching forward and grabbing a cheese puff.

A Yorkie escaped the fray, leapt through the air and landed in Cap’s lap.

He did nothing but start to pet her.

She lay down across his lap and panted.

Cleo noticed this, got jealous and loped over to stake her claim on Cap.

Cap slid the Yorkie so she was half on his thigh, half off, wedged between us, and he used both hands to pet them.

Cleo’s black tongue oscillated in and out on a happy rhythm.


Holy shit!

I’d known him mere days, and I was totally falling for the guy.

And with that thought, another one hit me.

The sad truth of it was, it was a high probability my sister would never fall in love.

Because she was more than likely dead.

But I was here, with these fine people, and I’d found this man.

As these thoughts assailed me, Louise and Scott, across from us in armchairs, forgot they were starting to argue. They looked at Cap, then at each other, and Scott sat back in his chair and contentedly rested his linked hands on his belly.

Tacit approval of Cap.

Louise asked Cap, “Anything else you need, sweetheart? I know Luna’s feeding you after this, but if you’re peckish, I made some white chocolate chip, macadamia nut cookies yesterday.”

Explicit approval of Cap.

“I’m good, Louise. Thanks,” Cap replied.

“Did Luna tell you about Macy?” I blurted.

Cap went still at my side.

Scott and Louise’s gazes raced to me.

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