Page 13 of The Devil's Angel

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I don’t care what I have to do to make sure it stays so forever, but I will do it, even if it means facing all the three mob bosses head-to-head. No woman has made me feel the way Katya does, and I don’t believe anyone else ever will.

I draw back from the kiss and stare down at her flushed cheeks, her pretty, dazed eyes blinking at me so innocently tugs at my heartstrings like nothing ever has. I am an animal for taking her this way.

Her first time should have been in my soft bed with scented candles setting the mood, not on the bench of a fucking piano that was no doubt uncomfortable on her back and bottom.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, brushing her hair from her forehead and leaning down to kiss her temple. I reach over for her robe, helping her sit up and drawing it over her shoulders to warm her. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“I’ve heard it happens . . . uhm, first time,” she whispers, burrowing into my arms like a touch starved kitten.

“Does it still hurt?”

She blushes to the roots of her hair, hiding her face in my neck. “No, stop asking that.”

“I need to know how much further I can go tonight,” I tell her, palming my hardening cock, and I feel her tense against me.

“Already?” There is no hiding the shock in her voice or the excitement beneath it.

I wrap my arms around her, the after-sex intimacy unfamiliar to me, but holding her this way feels just right. I know I should carry her out of here and clean her up, but her soft body against my hard one is a feeling I am not willing to give up just yet.

Later, I will have all the time to think of what this truly means for both our lives and how to deal with her father, who is already searching for his daughter.

When I’d gone to my office earlier this evening, I checked in with my men and caught word that Ivanov’s youngest daughter is missing and the man himself was furious. Someone close to the family let it slip that Viktor isn’t just furious but terrified of what the Albanians will do when they discover the bride they were promised has gone missing.


I draw Katya tighter against me and bury my face in her hair, blocking out thoughts of our uncertain future.

One thing is certain.

I will fight to the death to keep Katya with me forever!

Chapter Six


This feels like a fever dream.

If anyone had told me that I would find myself in bed with the same man that’s been the bane of my father’s existence, I would’ve laughed at the joke and walked away, and yet . . . here I am.

There is just no way in my wildest dreams I would have anticipated this turn of events, but in a twist of fate, I find myself lying in bed with the one man I was never supposed to meet.

The thought of going back to my life, where no one really cares about me, doesn’t sound appealing at all.

Is this what they call Stockholm syndrome?

Luca did kidnap me and bring me to his apartment. I could’ve put up a little more fight when it happened, not sure it would have helped matters, but the fact remains that I didn’t, and now I cannot leave, whether or not I like it.

It just happens that I do like it here.

No, it’s Luca that I like. It might have something to do with the feeling of those strong arms circled around me, drawing me to his massive body, or his warm masculine scent. No, it’s definitely his low growly voice and how it caresses my skin every time he leans into whisper and call me his.

Everything about this man makes me forget how we got her.

He makes me feel the one thing I have longed to get from my family . . . wanted.

I have gone most of my life feeling like an outsider in my own household just because I am the youngest with much older siblings who often ignored my existence, not to mention being an outcast at school as a result of my father’s dangerous reputation. I never really found my place, not at home or at school, but with Luca . . .

He makes me think of things I shouldn’t, like of a life together. When he leans in and calls me his, his warm breath against my ear, he makes me think I’ve finally found my home . . . my person.
