Page 14 of The Devil's Angel

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Oh, this is bad!

This is definitely not going to end well for me.

Perhaps I should snap back to my senses and remember that I have a life that I will eventually have to get back to. Classes I will need to attend and a family that’ll demand my return. I need to put a lid on whatever romantic ideas I am having for my kidnapper.

“You are thinking awfully hard over there,” Luca rasps deeply into my ear. His voice heavy with sleep and sending shivers trailing down my back, and just like that I forget that I was trying to talk myself out of the feelings I’m developing for this man.

“I’m just thinking about breakfast,” I respond, snuggling into his arms and letting out a little satisfied sigh when he draws me flush against him. His erection pushes hard against my bottom, but neither of us acknowledge it.

“What are you really thinking about?”

“Home,” I whisper, my voice a little wistful. “I wonder if my family is looking for me now. I know I’ve been gone for just a night, but a part of me wonders if they’re at all worried about me.”

An awkward silence sets in, and when Luca doesn’t respond, I decide to cover it with a chuckle that doesn’t exactly help with the awkwardness. “I’m overthinking. I’ve only been gone for a night, not long enough to worry them anyway.”

If I don’t show up at home, they’ll probably just think I am at my little studio apartment and won’t look for me. They won’t come looking until they need me for something, like this awful engagement. Unless I can be of service to them, my family is happy to forget I exist at all. I could be gone for weeks, months even, and no one would care.

“They’re looking for you,” Luca says, breaking into my thoughts, and I still in his arms.

“W-what? How do you know that?”

“Your father sent out his men last night to find you.” I push back the excitement that threatens to break through. “He has men asking around and tracing your steps before you went missing.”

My heart races at the thought of my family finally being worried for me. “Do you think they’ll trace me here?”


Luca’s voice is so firm with conviction that I don’t bother arguing with him. I already can’t keep the smile off my face. “That’s fine. I’ll probably give it a day before heading back home. I think that will be enough time for them to rethink my marriage to the Albanian.”

“No,” Luca says gruffly, withdrawing his arms from me, and I mourn the loss. “Your father won’t call off the wedding. The Albanians are helping him look for you. He plans to marry you off to Anton to secure the alliance the moment he finds you.”

My stomach drops. I’d feared as much, but I hadn’t wanted to admit it. I might not be involved with my father’s criminal activity, but I know enough about mob politics to know it was a pipe dream.

I turn around to catch Luca climbing out of bed, and I can’t help but stare at his muscular frame. I follow the tattoos trailing his shoulders to his massive pecs, my throat growing dry when my eyes drop to his jutting erection.

Focus, Katya!

I shake my head as if to rid myself of these new and surprisingly strong lustrous thoughts to focus on the matter on hand.

I sit up and fold my hands over my lap, watching the man disappear into the ensuite without another word. I spend the time alone trying to gather my composure, but when Luca walks back into the room, freshly showered and with a towel hanging loosely around his waist, I lose myself all over again.

“Uhm . . .” I clear my throat, climbing off the bed to follow him into his closet. “What if I want to talk to my parents? Maybe I can convince them to call off the arrangement.”

“No. Your father would never allow himself to be humiliated that way. He can’t know where you are, Katya. Not yet.”

“What am I going to do? I can’t just stay here. I have class and . . .”

He whirls around to look at me, his expression firm when he speaks. “You aren’t going anywhere, princess. Have you forgotten how you got here? You came to the club on your own. Your father will see that as a betrayal.” The towel drops from his waist to reveal his massive cock, and I gulp despite having seen him like this last night. Well, not completely naked as he is now, but . . .

Christ, I need to focus on what it is we are talking about, but I can’t. Luca smells deliciously of expensive aftershave and soap, and I want to lean in, bury my nose in his neck and drown myself in his scent.

“I haven’t forgotten,” I whisper hoarsely, feeling a little dazed from being close to this man. “B-but I thought something changed last night.”

Luca steps forward, backing me up to his closet island. I gasp when he grabs my thighs and lifts me up, knocking something off the surface, but neither of us look down to see what it is. His eyes flare with heat as he slips his hand under my borrowed shirt and rubs my back.

“Everything changed last night, princess,” he whispers, leaning down and brushing his lips softly against mine. “You became mine the second you let me touch you.”

“Does that mean I am no longer your captive?”
