Page 101 of Together We Reign

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“Then, when we were in the heat of the moment the other day, and you called me a slut… I knew I wasn’t confused. Thetruth is, being called a slut by you still turns me on, and that made me think about other things.

“I still like being used by you, and experimenting sexually. I love submitting to you, so don’t ever think I want that to change. But there are moments, just brief flashes where I wonder if I should like it. Should I like being humiliated and degraded by you, when I hated them doing it so much?”

“I’m sorry,” I mutter, my heart breaking with every word she speaks. I knew she had been through so much, but I never realised how fucking irresponsible it was of me to have sex with Tee without talking about this stuff first.

She shakes her head, looking up at me with fierce grey eyes. “Don’t apologise, ever. You didn’t let me finish,” she chastises me.

“Sorry,” I mumble, as she chuckles at my scowl.

“The point I was trying to make is that when my brain was making me question if I should enjoy it, that’s when I realised why it was different with you. It’s all about consent. Everything we’ve ever done together has been consensual.

“We built up the trust between us before we started experimenting, and I trusted that your only aim was to bring me pleasure. If I didn’t enjoy something, you would never have done it. That’s the difference.

“When I was with The Sheriff, nothing was consensual. I didn’t want anything they forced me into, but at the same time, nothing was for me. They didn’t care if I got pleasure out of it—which I didn’t. They wanted to exert power over me, put me down, and control me. That’s the difference.”

I let out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding. “I don’t want anything I do to ever remind you of them,” I reply honestly.

“It doesn’t,” she states vehemently, shaking her head. “But by noticing how things were different, it was like my brainfinally allowed me to enjoy those things again. I wasn’t confused anymore. Because, no matter what, I knew you’d never hurt me.”

I shake my head, clenching my eyes closed, so she doesn’t see how much it kills me that she's been through all this. “I’d never hurt you. But we don’t have to push things, if it’s triggering for you.”

She lets out a harsh laugh as she uses her thumbs to pry my eyelids open. “You’re not listening to me. I like normal vanilla sex. The sex we’ve been having has been perfect. It’s exactly what I needed while I’ve been healing, but the more I’ve healed, the more I’ve been able to experiment with you.

“I’m comfortable enough with myself now to admit that I still get turned on by kinky shit the way I did before. I want to be able to enjoy all the things we enjoyed before. If not, it’s just another thing The Sheriff, The Baron, and Mortimer Whitlock were able to take from me.” Her voice cracks at the end, and my heart breaks alongside hers.

I lean forward and capture her lips with mine, pulling her in for a searing kiss that says more than my words ever could. “As long as you know your limits, I’m happy to help you experiment.”

She wraps her arms around me tight, slamming her lips against mine once more, only this time she slips her tongue in to devour my mouth. When I feel her tears dripping onto my cheeks, I pull back, dragging my thumb under her eyes to wipe them away.

“Angel, what’s wrong?”

Her eyes scrunch closed as she lets out a sigh. “This is the talk we should have had a while ago. After this, there will be no more secrets between us, right?” She voices it like a question.

“I’ve never hidden anything from you, Angel,” I reply, racking my brains to try and think if there is something I’ve forgotten to tell her about.

When her sad grey eyes open, I realise she’s the one with a secret, and my heart stutters. “I want to be honest with you, but I’m worried I will lose you,” she cries.

With my hands firmly on her cheeks, I tell her, “You will never lose me.”

She takes a deep breath, like she’s trying to steel her nerves, before she explains. “Do you remember at the auction that there was another man bidding on me?”

“The Baron,” I say with a snarl. Like I could forget the sleazy asshole who wanted to lay claim on my girl.

She nods her head, her lips dipping into a frown. “The Baron was a friend of The Sheriff, and he’s the whole reason I was put up for auction. When The Baron wants something, he gets it,” she says with a growl.

“He’s clearly never met me before though, Angel,” I add with a chuckle.

My joke isn’t enough for her to lose the frown, and she continues almost like she didn’t even hear me. “He met me at Club Crimson one night. Had me dance for him…and more. He said he wanted to own me. He collects Dolls for his Dollhouse, and he wanted to add me to his collection. After a lot of back and forth, The Sheriff agreed to add me to the next auction.

“At that time, you weren’t even back on the scene. The Sheriff was so sure that no matter who bid against The Baron, he’d still win. The Sheriff explained that when I went to The Baron, there would be certain stipulations he’d have to follow before the money could be transferred. I didn’t really understand what he meant, so I thought nothing more about it.

“Then the incident happened where I helped the two girls get free. The Sheriff decided that it would be the perfect time to enforce The Baron’s stipulation. It would be a great punishment, and it meant I would be free to go with The Baron the night of the auction, so he got me off his hands quicker.”

She’s talking so quickly now, I can barely keep up. Her eyes are frantic, looking anywhere except at me. I grab hold of her hands with mine, trying to give her some of my courage to centre herself.

“Breathe, Angel. Just take some deep breaths, and explain slowly,” I say calmly.

“The Baron’s stipulation was that he will only take the auction Lot once they’ve been sterilised. He enjoys filling his Dolls with his cum, but The Baroness doesn’t want any bastards running around. So he can only have girls who have been sterilised.
