Page 141 of Together We Reign

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The little girl drops her arms from around my legs, and looks down at the floor sheepishly. “Sorry, Uncle Evan. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

I ruffle her hair with my hand, and she moans at me. “You didn’t, kid. I’m feeling much better.”

Her eyes widen, and she looks me over to see if I’m telling the truth. Ever since Dec brought Esme home, she’s fit into our family with ease. Kel did some research to find out if Esme had any living family that we just didn’t know about, but when he couldn’t find anything, we all knew it was time to make a decision about the kid’s future.

About a week ago, Belle and Dec sat down with Esme and asked her what she’d like to do. Her answer was easy… She asked if she could stay with them. Since then, they’ve gotten the ball rolling, and are working on adopting her legally. I’ve never seen any of them as happy, which is odd, as I never saw Dec as a dad, but it’s a role he’s slotted into perfectly.

Esme takes hold of my hand and pulls me into the living room that is full of my family. It takes me less than a second to locate Teigan. I’m drawn to her whenever we’re in the same room, like we’re connected by an invisible piece of string.

She’s sitting on the sofa, Nate bouncing up and down on her lap as he tries to put his fingers in her mouth. She’s smiling andcooing to him in baby language, but as soon as I step into the room, her eyes flick up to meet mine.

For a fraction of a second, her gaze roams over my body, and I hate the way she still needs to check that I’m actually here and in one piece.

Although I’m the one who went through the trauma of being shot and almost dying, what Teigan went through must have been so much worse. She had to sit by and do nothing, just waiting to find out if the person she loves most in the world will make it through. She had to sit and wonder if that was the day she lost me, and no matter how much I tell her I’m fine, she still hasn’t been able to let that go yet.

“How did it go at the doctors?” she asks, and everyone in the room is silent as they all look at me for the answer.

“I was given the all clear. I have to have another check-up in about six weeks to make sure I continue to heal, but things can go back to normal from now,” I explain, and everyone cheers and congratulates me.

Kellan stands from the armchair he was sitting in, holding a bundle of blankets in his arms. “Since you’ve been given the all clear, would you like to hold your nephew for the first time?”

He holds out the ball of blue blankets, and I freeze. He must be able to see the hesitancy on my face, as he motions towards the chair. “You can sit down to hold him, if that will make it easier for you.”

With a nod, I move to sit in the seat he just vacated. Kellan leans down and places the baby boy in my arms. He’s still asleep, which is good, as I’m not sure what the hell to do if he cries.

As he starts to wriggle in my arms, I hold him a little tighter, not wanting to drop the tiny baby. I didn’t think babies came this small.

He’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen, with big chubby cheeks and a little button nose. It’s just a shame about the fucking name.

“How is it, I almost died too, and yet I don’t even get a middle name? Liam behaves like a drama queen and you name your damn baby after him,” I grumble, looking between Kellan and Liam, who are grinning at each other like idiots.

“I think LJ is an awesome name,” Liam adds with a grin.

“Of course you do. It stands for fucking Liam Junior. He’s literally a mini version of you,” I scoff.

Kellan starts to say something that I’m sure will be offensive, but Mia cuts in. “Language, please,” she chastises us. “I’m not sure any middle name goes after Junior, Evan.”

“Liam Evan would have worked,” I mumble, looking down at the little baby, who is now looking up at me with the brightest blue eyes that look so much like his dad.

“Sorry, you’ll have to get someone else to name their kid after you,” Mia replies, shrugging her shoulders.

I should be offended that all of my family refuses, but I don’t give a shit, really. Evan’s not exactly a great name to pass down. Besides, as long as I’m their favourite uncle, which I will be after I bribe them, that’s all that matters.

When the Chinese food is delivered, we all move into the dining room and sit around the table. The plates are already out, and we only have to help ourselves to what we want, passing the takeaway containers around, so that we all can have a bit.

Teigan sits next to me, so close I can feel the warmth from her arm against my side, before she reaches across under the table and squeezes my knee. Thankfully, Mia has placed LJ in his Moses basket, as the little boy had fallen back to sleep in my arms.

“How are you really feeling?” Tee asks, her grey eyes staring intently at me, looking to see if I’m lying.

“I promise, I’m fine. I was given the all clear, and I can’t wait to get you home,” I whisper, loving the way her cheeks flush from the hidden meaning behind my words.

McKenna is the last to waddle into the dining room, her face twisted into an angry expression as she looks around for a spare seat, which there is between Finn and Freya. As she moves, her bump is so big, she literally has to waddle from side to side, holding onto her stomach.

As she flops into her chair with a sigh, Belle calls over to her. “How are you doing, McKenna? Are the babies doing well?”

McKenna grumbles in a way that’s very much not like her at all. “Oh, the babies are just fine. Happy and healthy, growing just as they should be. It’s me that’s bloody miserable. They’re constantly pressing on my bladder. I can feel limbs under my ribs, or kicking me at all times of the day and night. I’m the size of a fucking house, which makes moving difficult. All in all, I’m so fucking miserable, and I can’t wait to no longer be pregnant.”

Everyone’s eyes widen at her blunt response, but Mia chuckles. I’m not even going to bother mentioning how many times McKenna swore, yet the girls didn’t tell her off.
