Page 25 of Together We Reign

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“Lil…” I don’t really know what to say, but I know I want to comfort this girl who has helped me so much while I’ve been here—even at great risk to herself.

She shakes her head as she gives me a sad smile. “Don’t… It’s okay. Honestly, I’m not even sure I’d want to be sold. Isn’t the saying…better the devil you know? Besides, I need to stay in one place so my guys can find me.”

I love how hopeful she sounds, even after all this time. I wish I had even just a fraction of it.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts when the main light to my cell is flicked on, flooding the room brighter than normal. I clamp my eyes shut, blinking them slowly to give myself time to adjust to the brightness that’s causing white spots in my vision.

Lilly rushes in, her long dirty-blonde hair flying behind her as she pulls a chair and a bag in with her. Two big guards enter at the same time, followed closely by The Sheriff. His eyes narrow at me, like he’s waiting for something.

Lilly pulls me up from where I’m lying on the cot in my cell, her fingers gripping tight as she drags me. In a whisper so low only I can hear, she reminds me of what he’s waiting for. “Bow to him and be polite.”

“Sheriff,” I say politely through my forced smile, as I lower my leg and front into an old-fashioned curtsey. It’s not quite the submissive bow he’s looking for, but it’s the best he’s getting. Besides, I now know he can’t hurt me with the auction coming up.

“Lilly is here to help you get ready for the viewing. You have one hour, and I expect you to be brought to my office, where I will go over the rules and my expectations. Try to be on your best behaviour, or you will regret it,” he snaps.

Before I’m able to come up with a sarcastic response, that would no doubt get me into a lot of fucking trouble, The Sheriff turns and leaves the room, one guard following behind him, while the other stays by the door. Lilly ignores him and pulls me into the chair, as she starts to open her bag of supplies onto my bed.

“We’re going to start with your hair, and move onto your make-up. He’s already made it clear how he wants you to look, so please don’t argue with me,” Lilly says, her words tumbling out quickly as she moves around the room. She’s jittery, and something seems off with her.

As she plugs in her equipment, and sets things out in front of her on the bed, she rushes around in an almost chaotic state. My mind is racing, and it’s not until she crouches down near me, that I see her wince, tears welling in her bright blue eyes. Shebrushes it off, blinks away the tears like it didn’t happen, before continuing on.

As she turns her back to me, I reach out to her. Even though her T-shirt is black, I can see the blood seeping through. When my fingers grab the hem, she quickly pulls away from me, her bright eyes wide. She shakes her head frantically, and my brows furrow.

“Lil, what happened?”

Her eyes flick over to the guard by the door, who isn’t looking at us. He’s stood like a statue, watching over us without actually acknowledging we’re in the same room as him. Yet that doesn’t mean he isn’t listening to every word we say so he can report back.

“Punishment,” she mumbles, as she begins running a brush through my hair.

Lilly stands behind me, her back to the guard, and I can feel how tense she is as she works on curling my long hair. “Why?” I whisper, just loud enough that she can hear.

“I was caught treating a girl’s wounds, after I was told not to,” she whispers, as she continues curling.

I let out a small sigh. As much as I hate the idea of my friend getting hurt, or putting herself at risk, I know I can’t really say anything, as I’d probably have done the same thing.

“Was she young?”

Lilly lets out a low growl, sounding more furious than I’ve heard her in a while. “Twelve.”

My stomach sinks, and I suddenly feel even more nauseous. “Fuck,” I mutter, not really sure what else to say.

It’s bad enough seeing anyone in this situation, but kids… That’s a line I can’t seem to get past. As much as I want to rescue everyone in this shitshow, it’s the kids that I really want to help. They deserve a better life than this.

Lilly works in silence after that, as there’s not much more for us to say. When she’s finished with my hair and make-up, she politely asks the guard if he’d mind waiting outside, while she helps me dress.

Thankfully, he’s one not one of the sick, twisted assholes who work for The Sheriff, as he’s quick to oblige. Most would stand and watch, leering at me as I exposed myself in front of them.

There’s even one asshole who makes Lilly touch me when she’s undressing me—nothing too explicit, just enough to help with his perverse fantasies, for when he’s wanking like the lonely, pathetic excuse for a human he is. Luckily, this guard doesn’t seem to give a shit, and he gives us some privacy.

As Lilly is helping me dress, I can tell her pain is growing. With each movement over the last hour, her cheeks have grown redder, and she’s wincing more. “Can I take a look?” I ask.

Her eyes are vacant as she tries to force a smile. “We don’t have time.”

“Lilly,” I say more firmly, and she lets out a huff as she turns around, knowing I won’t give up.

As soon as she lifts her shirt, my hand flies to my mouth to hold in my strangled cry. My eyes widen as they start to mist over with unshed tears. What look to be lash marks have sliced the pale alabaster skin on her back open multiple times. The skin is red and angry, some oozing and weeping as they rub against the fabric of her shirt.

As she lifts her T-shirt, it causes her skin to pull in a way that only makes the wounds gape more, and Lil’s hiss makes my heart sink. She must have around ten lash marks, all different shapes and sizes.
