Page 30 of Together We Reign

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We’re at the very front of the stage, where a couple of slightly more private tables and comfy chairs have been set up. They have VIP signs on them, and I don’t even bother enquiring how we were able to acquire these types of tickets.

I know Declan doesn’t normally come to these events, so I’m intrigued how he could pull this off. I assumed the good seats would be reserved for the regular perverts.

“Have you thought about using manners?” tuts a voice in my ear. Fucking Kellan.

Declan chuckles beside me as Kellan chastises me. “Shut the fuck up, or I will take my earpiece out,” I snap.

“You will not,” replies Bree, using her threatening leader’s voice. The one you’d have to be stupid to mess with.

The waitress returns with our drinks, and I make a point of thanking her, wishing Kellan could see my smug smile. “Seriously, Evan. Stop fucking shaking. You’re making me nervous,” snaps Declan, as he shoots me a glare that would probably work on a lesser man.

I roll my eyes in a huff. “If you can’t handle the pressure, I suggest you fuck off.”

His eyes widen as his mouth opens and closes, like he’s struggling to find the right words. I can hear Kellan laughing in my ear.

“Evan,” Bree snaps, grabbing my attention. “Dec is right. We can see your leg banging up and down on the security cameras. You look like you’re in the early stages of a seizure.”

Kellan’s laugh gets louder, and I’m sure I can hear Kian too. My nerves are barely controlled as it is, and they’re just winding me up more. “We can do this without an audience, so if you don’t shut the fuck up, I will disconnect you.”

“Evan, bro, just take some deep breaths and calm the fuck down. If it looks like you’re going to kick off at any second, they will throw you out. We can already see security has an eye on you, and from what we can tell, they’re bringing in extras just in case,” Liam explains, using that fucking annoying reasonable voice he’s so well known for.

“He’s right. You can’t save Teigan if you get your ass kicked out,” Bree adds.

Just the mention of her name is enough to halt my anxiety. I may be jittery as hell, but there’s no way I’m letting her down.I’ve already failed her in so many ways. This can’t be another to add to that list.

“Fine,” I grunt, and before anyone has a chance to say anything more, The Sheriff makes his way onto the stage holding a microphone.

He starts making some big speech about how being at this auction is a big opportunity, and how he can’t wait to show off his Lots. He talks about each Lot like it’s a fucking object, rather than a person.

In a normal auction you’d hear them talking about the rare vintage wines that are available, hand sourced from a rare location, made from the finest grapes. This auction follows a similar theme—only the topic of discussion is fuckingpeople.

“One of the highlights up for auction today is a personal favourite of mine. A rare find, full of innocence and wonder. She’s a beauty to behold, and at the tender age of twelve, she’s at that delicate age of maturity. With her hymen guaranteed, this virginal sweetheart can be moulded to meet your every desire,” he says, sounding more like a Saturday night TV show host than the fucking sick pervert he is.

With each word, acid bubbles in my throat, and it takes all my strength not to vomit. My hands are clenched into fists, and my heart is beating so loud. I can hear it buzzing in my ears. Every so often I can hear one of my brothers or Bree mumbling curse words, or general words of disgust.

I notice Declan is also curling his hands into fists beside me, and despite not knowing the guy, I’m pleased he shares the same repulsion we all feel. However, as I look around, and I take in the sick grins, and the dazed smiles of enjoyment, it’s clear we’re in the minority in this crowd.

I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to rescue all the people trapped here—specifically Angel—and drop a bomb onthis place, making sure to rid the world of all these fucking twisted individuals.

“So, without further ado…” The Sheriff's loud voice pulls me out of my murderous daydream. “It’s time to meet my auction Lots.”

He wafts his arms wide, and the velvet curtain behind him drops, displaying a row of women and children. It takes me less than a second to locate her, as my eyes seem to be drawn straight to her. There, at the end of the row of scared looking girls, is Teigan—my angel.

It’s been almost three years since I last saw her, and she looks so different. She’s still mind numbingly beautiful, but everything that made her shine seems to be dulled now. Her normally long, luscious brown hair hangs down her back, looking limp and greasy. Her petite body looks even smaller, and the slip of silk she’s wearing hangs from her, though it does still cling a little to her voluptuous hips and tits. Even her creamy skin seems lifeless and pale.

But the thing that stabs me like a knife to the gut is the empty, dead expression in her grey eyes. Normally they shine like silver, but now they’re dark and haunted. I’ve always been able to read Teigan’s emotions, just by the way her eyes sparkle, but I’m getting nothing now. Her eyes are as emotionless as the rest of her, and it fucking guts me.

The rage I’ve barely been able to contain recently bubbles closer to the surface, and the red mist seems to descend across my vision. My eyes narrow as my face distorts into a scowl. I feel myself edging forward in my seat, without really even thinking it through.

I mean, what the hell am I going to do? Charge onto the stage, throw her over my shoulder like a caveman, and drag her home with me? It’s not the worst idea in the world, but even I know that would be a suicide mission. I’ve seen the security guardsdotted ‘discreetly’ around the room, and I know there are more than a few whose specific job is to monitor me.

“Fuck, are they children?” A strangled voice echoes through my head, dragging me back to the present.

With my gaze fixed on Tee, it’s not until Kellan speaks into the communications device in my ear that I’m pulled back enough to notice the other people standing on the stage beside her.

Declan is frozen like a statue beside me, but he’s the only one who seems shocked by the line-up for the auction. People all around us are chattering, whopping, and hollering, excited over the Lots that are available to purchase.

With far more effort than I’d like to admit, I drag my eyes away from Teigan. If I keep looking at her any longer, my brain will have to register all the marks and bruises I can see on her skin that I’m trying to ignore. If I allow myself to really see her, there’s a good chance I’d lose my shit, and then I might never be able to save her.
