Page 31 of Together We Reign

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Sadly, looking over the other auction Lots does fuck all for my rage. With each person my gaze flicks over, the anger bubbling under the surface seems to rumble closer to breaking free.

The line-up isn’t just made up of women, there are young girls and boys in there too. From the brief bits I’ve heard The Sheriff saying, the youngest girl is eight-years-old, and the youngest boy is eleven. There’s a wide variety of virgins on offer, alongside those with more experience and training.

The way he says the word‘training’makes my knuckles turn white as I ball my hands tighter into fists. I don’t even want to imagine what the fucktraininginvolves.

Before I even realise what’s happening, the auction Lots are led off the stage. I quickly cast my gaze back to Teigan, and for just a fraction of a second, our eyes lock, and I know she’s seen me. Her expression is just as blank as before, but her eyes flickerwith an array of emotions, and I honestly have no idea if she’s happy to see me.

The room is silent as we wait for The Sheriff to talk again. That’s when I hear Liam’s voice in my head. “Are you okay, Ev?”

I shake my head, before I remember he might not be able to see me. I know Kel has hacked the security feed, but I’m not sure exactly what they can see. Both me and Declan are wearing hidden cameras, so they just saw the same line-up that we did. A row of women and children in fucking lingerie.

I never thought there’d be a day where I’d be thankful Teigan was wearing a dress and not lingerie like the others.

“They’re just kids,” I whisper, hating how distraught my voice sounded.

“I know, Evan. I’m sorry you have to see this, but I promise, when we make sure Teigan is safe. I won’t stop until all this shit ends,” Bree states, sounding so sure of herself. If anyone is capable of taking on an illegal underground flesh trade secret society—and winning—it’s Bree fucking Doughty.

When Kel speaks, I can hear the pain in his voice, and it’s clear he’s thinking about his daughter, Hallie. “We need to make this a better world for our children. I can’t raise Hallie, knowing this is happening to girls out there.”

“We will do better for our children,” Liam adds.

“I know I’m here to keep Evan under control, but even I’m tempted to help all these poor women and children escape, before burning this whole place to the ground, with all the sick fucks still inside,” Declan growls beside me, his lips barely moving as he remains stiff as a board. His gaze is locked on The Sheriff on the stage, and while he looks impassive, the glare he’s shooting his way says something different.

Even though we all agree with him, that’s not the plan for today. We aren’t prepared enough, and if we were to make a move without proper planning, people could get hurt. Thesewomen and kids have been through enough—I don’t want anyone dying whilst we try to free them.

Before anyone can say anything more, The Sheriff begins bringing one auction Lot out at a time. He makes them walk into the centre of the stage alone, while he tells us all about them—advertising them like fucking livestock.

A young girl is brought out next, and The Sheriff announces her name is Diamond. She’s fifteen-years-old, and he describes her as a well-trained whore. He waves his arms at her as he tries to entice buyers.

“Though Diamond no longer has her innocence, and hasn’t for quite some time, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It means she’s been well trained as a submissive slut. She knows how to please a man—or several men at once, if that’s your kink. There’s nothing this girl won’t do, and I can personally attest that her lack of a gag reflex is a wondrous thing,” he states proudly, before turning to face the girl. “Diamond, assume the position.”

As soon as the words leave his lips, the young girl quickly pulls off her lingerie, leaving her completely naked, as she drops down onto the cold floor of the stage. Kneeling, she pulls her arms behind her back, sticks her chest out a little, as she drops her head—the ultimate submissive pose.

As oooh and ahh’s erupt around me, my heart sinks for the poor, exposed girl. Her frame is so small, I can see her ribs poking through. Not to mention all the scars, fresh wounds, and bruises that litter her pale skin. Her body tells a story—a nightmare—of what she’s lived through, and my heart breaks for her.

“Stand,” The Sheriff snaps, and straightaway, Diamond rises to her feet.

He walks over to where she’s standing, her feet shoulder width apart, her hands still behind her back, arching her enoughto stick out her small breasts. She keeps her head dipped, her eyes fixed on the floor.

The Sheriff holds the microphone in front of her face, making it clear he expects her to respond to whatever he’s about to say. “Diamond, why don’t you tell these fine people what your role is?”

Without hesitating, Diamond takes a quick breath in before her reply tumbles from her lips. “I’m a whore. My job is to provide pleasure for my master. Whoever buys me, owns me completely. All my holes belong to them, and they can do whatever they like with me. It’s my job to make sure they’re happy by doing whatever I’m told.”

Her voice is shaky, but the words tumble out so quickly, it’s clearly not the first time she’s spoken them. The Sheriff’s eyes widen, and cheers erupt around the room.

“Motherfucker,” Declan snarls from beside me, though he doesn’t move even a little.

The whole night continues on this way. Women, boys, and girls are brought onto the stage, one at a time. They’re stripped, so people can see exactly what they get for their money. If they have a special talent, The Sheriff makes them talk about it. He makes them brag about anything that could bring him a little extra money.

Both me and Declan almost vomited when one girl, who had just turned sixteen-years-old, was made to stand on the stage, completely naked, her body trembling, as she told the eager assholes in the crowd her talent.

“I have been trained to take two dicks in each of my holes. Two cocks in my cunt, and two cocks in my ass. I am still working on doing them both at the same time, but I’m eager to learn and get better,” she mutters, her eyes filling with unshed tears as her cheeks blushed red.

“How the fuck is that even possible?” grumbles Kian in my ear. “Surely there’s not enough room between her legs for four guys.”

“Kian,” Declan snaps quietly, his voice a warning for Kian not to go any further into that discussion. Her words were hard enough to hear, without thinking too much about the logistics.

Fuck, these girls should be going out on their first dates. They should be dating boys, gossiping with their friends as they wonder who will ask them out, or if a boy will finally give them their first kiss.
