Page 60 of Together We Reign

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Although we never discussed it, back when we were together, we used to order individual meals, and then when the food arrived, we’d share. I’d have some of what she ordered, and she’d have some of mine. It wasn’t even something we consciously decided to do, it just happened, the same way it is now.

As soon as we’re both finished plating up, our eyes widen comically almost at the same time as we realise what we did. How easily we fell back into the roles we had so long ago.

“Lets just watch the movie,” I mutter, not wanting to think about the weirdness of the situation any longer.

As the movie plays, and we finish our food, we continue drinking our wine in silence. Over the course of the film, we seem to have edged closer to each other, and Teigan is so close now, it wouldn’t take much for me to inch my hand over a little and touch her smooth skin. Suddenly, watching the film feels like the last thing I want to do.

Teigan reaches behind her and grabs hold of the blanket resting over the back of the sofa, as she tucks her legs under her bum. As she covers herself with the blanket, she leans closer to me and our arms touch. With a fucking angelic expression, she gives me a small smile. “Wanna share?” She holds up the blanket, asking me if I want her to lay it over my legs too.

I can’t even form fucking words, so I just nod my head like a moron.

This is dangerous fucking territory, Evan. You’re supposed to be keeping your distance, remember? She’s the girl who broke your heart. Don’t forget that,I remind myself over and over.

But as she leans into my side, covering us both with the blanket, my mind seems to go blank. All logical thought is gone, and I’m simply overwhelmed by her presence, even if that in itself drives me fucking crazy.

Time seems to tick by so fucking slowly now she’s right next to me. I’m aware every time her chest rises and falls with each breath she takes. I’m aware of how hot she feels as her arm rubs against mine when she moves. My heart races every time I glance over and find her staring at me when she thinks I’m not looking.

Thankfully, a brutal fight scene on the screen pulls our attention back into the movie, and I’m so lost in the whole situation, I’m almost a little startled when Teigan speaks. Even though her voice is barely above a whisper, her words scream loud. “I wish I could fight.”

“What? You hate violence in real life,” I point out.

She may love this film, but the idea of fighting people in real-life situations has always appalled her. When we were younger, she would always lecture me and my brothers, telling us there’s always a diplomatic way to get the desired outcome, and that it doesn’t always have to result in a fight.

We were raised by Desmond, and we learnt to fight before we were taught most other things. Teigan always respected the life we lived, but it didn’t stop her from trying to get us to take a better approach, which is why I’m so shocked by her words now.

“That was a long time ago. Now… I can’t help thinking…if I’d known how to fight…maybe I could have stood up for myself. Maybe I could have saved myself.”

Her words make my heart ache, and I shuffle to turn my whole body, so she can see I mean the words that are about to come out of my lips.

“From what I heard, you did fight. You gave them hell, Angel. But more importantly, no matter how it happened, you survived. And I promise you, we will make every last one of those bastards pay for what they did to you.”

Tears well up in her eyes, and my stomach sinks. I’m not great with words, but I never want to upset her.

Teigan reaches over and laces her hand with mine, startling me at the contact. Warmth from her hand spreads across my palm and up my arm, making me tingle in a way I haven’t felt in a very long time.

“I feel like I didn’t fight enough. If I was stronger, or tougher…” Her words fade off, and I know what she’s thinking.

“Don’t think like that. These were powerful men with guns, and you were outnumbered. You did what you could. But if it’ll make you feel better, I will teach you how to defend yourself,” I reply, giving her hand a squeeze.

A tear slips out of the corner of her eye, and I watch it trail down her cheek. It takes every ounce of strength not to reach up and wipe it away.

“You will?”

I nod quickly. “Of course.”

“I know we haven’t really talked about what happened to me while I was there, and we don’t have to. It’s just… Sometimes it gets too much. You know?”

There’s a vulnerability with the way she speaks that guts me. I know what I should say to her. I should tell her to talk to Bree, or to ask Bree to increase her sessions with the counsellor. But instead, I find other words slipping free. “You can talk to me…if you need to.”

Why the fuck did I just say that?

I don’t know if I can physically listen to all the things she had to endure, and not go out and kill every single asshole who even looked at her wrong. It’s a dangerous game, offering to be someone she can confide in. It will result in us becoming friendly, and I’ve already quickly established that I’m not sure I can just be her friend.

But the way her face lights up when she smiles, and the tight grip she has on my hand, tells me I said exactly what she wanted to hear.

“Not tonight. Tonight I want us to have this nice evening together, but maybe another day. Having someone else to talk to will probably be nice. And I will definitely take you up on the self defence offer,” she says brightly.

“Okay,” I reply, not really sure what else to say.
