Page 63 of Together We Reign

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The large open plan area is set up for boxing. The floor is slightly springy, like a ring, and there is a mixture of bags for different exercises. There’s freestanding bags, hanging bags, and speed bags, as well as some uppercut and body opponent bags dotted around the outside. There’s something for every fighting style, and I’m sure there will be enough here to help Teigan.

“This place is much bigger than I thought,” she mutters, not managing to keep the awe out of her tone.

“I seem to remember you like things when they’re bigger,” I reply cockily without thinking.

Her eyes widen comically before she lets out a little laugh that makes my stomach flip.

No more dirty jokes, Evan, I chastise myself. It’s too easy to fall back into our old ways around each other, and I can’t let my guard down with her.

She looks like she’s about to say something back, and I know if she does, we will go down the route of dirty banter, and my cock will never be soft again, so I cut her off before she can begin. “Do you know how this type of treadmill works, or do you want a quick rundown?”

“I’ve used one like this before,” she replies, after taking a quick look at the control panel.

“Okay, then do a gentle warm up for about five minutes while I get things set up over here.”

I don’t wait for her to respond. I turn my back and walk over to the other side of the room. I can feel her gaze boring into my back, heating the skin like she’s actually touching it.

I have to focus on my breathing, and use all my willpower not to turn and look at her. If I see her in those hot little shorts and crop-top, her tits bouncing as she runs, I don’t think I will be able to remain in control.

Stop perving on her, asshole.Remember what she’s just been through.The last thing she needs is me leering at her like the men in the club.That thought alone is enough to sober me, and to remind me that I won’teverbe anything like them.

Taking some deep breaths, I try to clear my mind as I think about what type of self defence strategies I want to teach Teigan.

I know she wants to learn how to take care of herself, but I just want to make sure she knows how to handle herself if any idiot tries to take advantage of her again.

Five minutes pass by far too quickly, and by the time Tee appears by my side, her face glowing as she tries to catch her breath; I am no closer to a plan.Looks like I’m winging it.

“I’ll be honest, I’ve never really trained anyone else before. So if you’d prefer a proper instructor, I can make that happen. As reluctant as I am to admit this, Kian would probably be a good option,” I concede through gritted teeth.

The thought of that blonde asshole anywhere near Tee makes my blood boil, and his only saving grace is that I know how much he loves my sister, Freya.

“Why Kian?” Tee asks, reminding me she doesn’t know much about my new extended family.

“As well as being the head of Bree’s security, he’s also a cage fighter. He trains all our security staff, and I believe he’s been teaching Freya and Ryleigh a bit too,” I reply.

Her eyes brighten, and she lets out a little laugh. “I don’t know who I feel sorry for more—him or Shane. Who thought it was a good idea to teach Ryleigh to fight?”

I can’t help but laugh alongside her. It’s an argument we’ve all been having for a while. “She will fight anyway. This way we know she’s trained correctly. Besides, we agreed to teach her about our lifestyle, but only on the condition that she finishes university before she makes any decisions about her future. She’s the baby of the family, and we want her to have choices.”

Teigan nods along like she agrees. “What about Freya? Is she in school too?”

“No,” I reply, shaking my head. “She’s actually a published author. She was writing in secret for a while, but she finally told us about it recently. We still don’t know her pen name, which isprobably for the best. Kian tells us she’s really good, and is doing well with it. She’s happy, and that’s all that matters.”

“I genuinely thought that out of all of you, she’d be the one to leave this life behind and never look back,” she mumbles, wincing as she skirts around the future we could have had.

I’m not ready to talk about the time she destroyed me, so I keep the conversation focused elsewhere. “She was all set to leave, but then she fell for Kian. I wish she’d got out, more than anything, but she’s happy with him. Personally, I think she can do better, but I won’t deny that he loves her.”

She shakes her head at me with a smile. “Nobody will ever be good enough for your sisters. But I can tell they’re in love. In fact, all your family seems to be.”

“Yeah, it’s a bit sickening, isn’t it?” I joke, but it falls flat. All it does is remind us both that I’m the only one without someone to love. Silence fills the air around us, and it’s suffocating. “Anyway, better get on with the lesson, if you still want me to teach you?”

“Yes, please,” she nods.

“Okay, I think the best place to start will be for me to show you how to get out of different holds, if anyone were to come up and try to grab you. How does that sound?” I ask, hopeful I’m going down the right track.

Teigan tenses beside me, her eyes tightening into a grimace. “That’s exactly what I want. I don’t ever want anyone to be able to grab me and take me again. I want to be able to fight them off.”

I don’t know what the fuck possesses me to move, but I think it’s the broken look on her face that pierces my heart. Before I can even think it through, I take a step towards her and place my palm against her shoulder. It’s supposed to be just a touch for comfort, but when she leans into it, folding herself into my side, she somehow ends up in my arms.
