Page 74 of Together We Reign

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Out of the corner of my eye, I see Finn kissing McKenna, wiping a tear from her cheek as he strokes her growing bump.

“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get my girls home. We can give you a lift too, Shane,” he says to the young lad standing over by the door. He looks relieved, as I think Bree was supposed to be taking him home, but she’s clearly too preoccupied for that.

Kian, who is still holding the door open, calls over to Belle. “Come on, Belle. I need to get you home to Dec. Esme has him attending a teddy bear’s tea party, and he’s sent me fifteen threatening messages in the last ten minutes. She’s talking about putting lipstick on him, so we need to hurry. I’ve got my camera ready,” he jokes, and Belle just laughs.

“She’s already got him wrapped around her little finger,” Belle says with a bright smile on her face. It’s clear the little girl has wormed her way into Belle’s heart, too.

As soon as the door closes, I’m very aware that Evan and I are the only ones still here. He’s looking at me intently, and I can’t quite work him out. His eyes are so dark they’re almost black. “We should go,” he says, turning abruptly as he leaves the room.

Fuck, I feel like I have whiplash. For a fraction of a second, I thought maybe he was going to kiss me, or dosomething. I didn’t expect him to turn and walk away.

I follow him to the car, wondering if I should say something. I just don’t know what. Evan gets in beside me and starts the engine. I’m getting a weird sense of déjà vu as we settle into the car in claustrophobic silence, the same as it was when we were driving here.

I try to focus on my breathing, slowing down my heart rate that is threatening to beat out of my chest, the more I think about how much he’s driving me crazy. Why can’t he just fucking talk to me like a normal person?

By the time we arrive back at the house, my nerves are shot, and I’m furious. Just when I think I’m making progress withhim, he goes and takes three fucking steps backwards, confusing me even more.

As soon as we’re in the house, he starts to move towards the stairs without a word, but I don’t let him. I grab hold of his arm and spin him until he’s facing me, his eyes wide and startled.

Without thinking, I push against his chest, anger flowing through my veins, setting me on fire.

“What the fuck is your problem? I thought we were finally making progress. That we could actually be in the same room as each other and talk, but now we’re back to you ignoring me again. What the hell is wrong with you?” I scream, pushing his chest so hard he stumbles back, as I catch him off guard.

His eyes narrow, his glare turned on me as his jaw tightens. “It’s for the best,” he mumbles, as he tries to turn away from me again.

“Fuck that, and fuck being cryptic with me. What the hell is going on?” I scream, pushing him again, only this time he grabs hold of my wrists to stop me.

He stalks forward, and I have to back away, like prey being chased by a predator. When my back hits the wall, I take a shuddered breath, as he continues advancing towards me. He’s so close now, we’re sharing the same breath, and his body is caging me in.

“I’m trying to do the right thing,” he says through gritted teeth.

“What?” I mumble.

“Watching you take back control, covered in his blood, has to be one of the hottest things I have ever seen. Seeing you with the same fire in your eyes that you used to have was everything, when it shouldn’t be. I can’t look at you like this and not want you,” he growls, his chest rising and falling quickly as he draws in a breath.

“You want me?” I ask, my shaky voice barely above a whisper, and I hate how fucking vulnerable I sound.

“I never stopped wanting you, Angel. No matter how bad for me you are,” he replies, his breath hitting my cheek, causing a shiver to ripple down my spine.

“I never stopped wanting you either,” I confess, and his breath hitches as his eyes bore into mine.

Before either of us has the chance to say anything more, he slams his lips against mine, pinning me against the wall. It’s not a sweet kiss.

This is a passionate, all-consuming kiss as he claims my mouth with his own. His tongue sweeps along mine, and we both groan at the same time as we taste each other.

He tastes exactly how I remember, and suddenly I want to drown in him. My hands fly to the back of his neck, threading into his hair as I pull him closer. He roughly grabs hold of my hips, keeping me exactly where he wants me—not that I want to go anywhere.

I’m consumed by the feel, the taste, everything that is Evan. I want to drown in him and never let go.

And then it ends, just as suddenly as it began. Evan pulls his lips from mine, taking a big step away from me. My legs are like jelly, and I almost flop to the floor. We’re both panting, trying to draw in some much needed air.

I take a step towards him and his eyes narrow, the mask of indifference I hate returning to his face. Before either of us can say anything, he turns quickly and runs up the stairs.

It’s not until I hear his bedroom door slam closed that I realise he’s left me…again. My heart breaks, and I crumple to the floor, tears rolling down my face.

Evan just ripped my heart out all over again, only this time, I don’t think I will survive.

Inever stopped wanting you, either.
