Page 75 of Together We Reign

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Those words have been on repeat in my head for the last couple of days. I know I said them first, in a moment of pure fucking weakness, but I never in a million years expected her to say it back.

She’s the one who walked away, who left me broken, and now she has the audacity to say she still has feelings for me.

Don’t get me wrong, there was a massive part of me that felt on cloud fucking nine after hearing those words. How could I not be? She’s the only girl I’ve ever loved, and I’ve never properly gotten over her, so to know she still thinks about me in that way was, of course, what I wanted to hear.

But after the kiss, after I walked away and left her in the hallway, in the dark silence of my room, my brain began overthinking. If she really cared about me, how could she hurtme the way she did? You don’t hurt someone you love, yet she did.

That kiss was everything and more. It’s been a decade since I last tasted her, and I don’t know how it’s possible, but it was even better than I remember.

Kissing Teigan had been as simple as breathing, and the more I tasted her, the more I knew I never wanted to stop. It’s always been that way with her. One taste is never enough. It only leaves me wanting more.

But more is dangerous. I can’t give her more without opening myself back up, and that’s a risk I’m not prepared to take.

I barely survived having my heart broken the first time. I’m sure as shit not going to let it happen a second time.

As the saying goes: fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I’m nobody’s fool, and that’s exactly what I’d be if I allowed myself to fall for Teigan all over again.

Unfortunately, I still have to live with her, and we haven’t exactly created the most ideal living situation after the kiss.

I spent the first couple of days trying to avoid her. I know it’s been my go-to move since I brought her back here, but honestly, I have no fucking clue what else to do.

I’m aware of my own flaws, and when I’m in a room with her, I stop thinking with my brain and lose all fucking good sense. I can’t allow that to happen, so I figured avoiding her was the way to go.

Sadly, the house is only so big, and even though there’s only two of us, it’s fucking impossible to avoid her completely. This has led to more than one awkward run-in with each other.

The silence between us is deafening, and we both shuffle awkwardly, like one of us is trying to decide if we should break it by being the first to talk. I don’t want to be the one to give in first, so I try to turn away from her, knowing I’m stronger when I’m not looking at her.

This then leads to a lot of sighing and huffing from Teigan. And all the interactions have ultimately ended in the same way—with a lot of slamming of doors as she tells me what an asshole I am.

But over the last two days, even the somewhat reasonable interactions have dwindled, and instead, Teigan is moving around the house in an openly hostile mood.

She’s constantly slamming doors, even when I’m not around. She snaps at me every chance she gets, even if I’m trying to be polite and just offering her a cup of coffee in the morning.

It’s gotten so bad, I feel like I’m walking on eggshells in my own fucking house, and even avoiding her is proving difficult.

She seems to be following me, making sure she’s in the same room as me, as much as possible. So when she’s scowling at me, or muttering about me under her breath, I can’t hide from it.

I know I won’t be able to put up with her childish behaviour for much longer. My own irritability is sizzling just under the surface, threatening to break free every time she slams a door or makes a snide remark. It’s been a week since we kissed, and she’s showing no signs of letting up. I’m running out of patience.

As I walk into the kitchen early, I breathe a sigh of relief when I see she’s not here. I’ve been trying to get up a little earlier than I usually do, so I can grab a cup of coffee in peace before she begins annoying me for the day. It’s become my only moment of solace, and I’m craving my coffee even more.

This morning, I woke up a little later than I planned, thanks to a rough night of not being able to sleep, and I knew I’d have to rush if I wanted to get my coffee before she woke up. I didn’t stop to think; I pulled on some grey sweats and ran to the kitchen.

I wasn’t even thinking about the fact I’m wearing nothing else except sweatpants, or that my hair was no doubt sticking up at all angles, since I’ve not even had time to look in the mirror, letalone make myself look normal. All I can think about is the bliss I feel drinking my coffee in peace.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I see she’s not in the kitchen. I freeze for a second and listen, trying to work out if I can hear her moving around in the house. She’s been stomping and slamming doors so much recently, even the nearest neighbour who is fucking miles away will know when she’s awake. Thank fuck she’s not.

Rushing around, I quickly prepare the coffee machine and set it off, as I run over to the cabinet to grab my favourite mug.

Usually, I offer to make her a cup each morning, but over the last week, it’s become more hassle than it’s worth. She can’t just say thank you and take the damn coffee. Instead, all I get is attitude, glares, and usually, a well aimed curse word—that’s been getting more and more creative as the days go on.

As the coffee brews, my mind begins to wander. As much as I moan about the situation we find ourselves in, I know it’s all my fault. Although I never saw Teigan’s childish behaviour coming, I knew when I pulled away from the kiss and left her without a word, I was most likely going to hurt her, yet I did it anyway.

I’m not even completely sure why I did it. My body—and cock—was screaming at me not to walk away, to stay with her and take things further. But my head kept telling me it was a bad idea.

Not only because it would mean opening myself back up to her, and giving her the chance to hurt me all over again, but also because of everything she’s been through.

We’ve never really spoken about her time with The Sheriff, or what happened to her at Club Crimson. The small glimpses I got were enough, and my overactive imagination is more than capable of filling in the horrendous gaps.
