Page 58 of Poisonous Kiss

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I grin. “Please do.”

After that, I’m whisked off to a room at the hotel, where two stylists—Chad and Maddy—are waiting. I swallow my embarrassment as they strip me to my underwear—and keeping that is something I have to fight for—before pulling in racks and racks of skirt suits, dresses, and various gowns.

One by one, they both give a yes, no, or maybe to each outfit as they parade them around me.

“The light blue skirt-suit.”

I whirl to see Meredith, Gabriel’s bitchy blonde campaign manager, walking in. I feel I should be more embarrassed that I’m standing here almost naked. But at this point, five people have seen me in my underwear already, and it’s not even noon, so what’s another?

She points again to a light blue outfit Chad gave a “maybe” to a few minutes ago. “That one.”

Chad and Maddy spring into action, but I shake my head. “Actually, I prefer the green we just tried.” I point to a chic, silky jade green top and a cream skirt I really loved when they tried it on me.

Chad and Maddy glance at Meredith, who shakes her head. “The blue.”

“No, I’d like the green.”

Meredith sighs heavily. “Ms. Yamaguchi, I’m very good at my job.”

“And I’m a grownup who can dress herself.”

She gives me a look. “Obviously, you’re smart enough to know that’s not what this is. Today is going to be extremely important in setting the tone for the rest of the campaign. Blue resonates better with voters, and beside, Mr. Black said no green.”

Okay, weird.

“I’m sure you’re great at your job, Meredith. But I’m still wearing the green and cream outfit.”

“Ms. Yamaguchi, the blue?—”

“Makes me look like an Asian Jackie O.”

“And that’s a problem because…?”

“Because it makes me look like a politician’s wife.”

Meredith pointedly says nothing.

“I’m aware of what I am here, Meredith,” I mutter as Maddy and Chad noiselessly melt from the room. “But I’m not just a politician’s wife. I’m a kick-ass lawyer, too. I’m a professional, and I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am. I’m not going to be?—”

“Mr. Black specifically requested the blue?—”

“Then Mr. Black can wear it,” I snap, shutting down the discussion. “I’m wearing the green.”

Gabriel’s campaign announcement is taking place on the front steps of Tweed Courthouse in lower Manhattan, in City Hall Park. Two hours later, I’m in a side room there, checking in with the office on my phone about the deposition I’m missing, when the door opens behind me.

“What exactly is your problem with following directions?”

I stiffen, turning to face Gabriel. He looks appropriately…I’d say “presidential”, but I guess the more appropriate term is “gubernatorial”…in a dark gray suit with a simple silver tie.

“Excuse me?”

“Meredith was quite clear. You were to wear the blue,” he grunts, his eyes dropping to my green top and cream skirt.

“I didn’t like the blue, and didn’t think it would have any bearing on today’s announcement.” My mouth twists. “Much like whether my pussy was waxed or not.”

Gabriel smirks. “The spa was a gift,” he shrugs. “No part of that was mandatory.”

“But the outfit is?”
