Page 61 of Puck Buddies

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“I know, right? I’m the diapering master.”

She gaped at me. “What? I meant for the cup.”

“Oh, that.” I tickled Stella’s belly. “I thought you were talking about her diaper. It’s on there so snug, she couldn’t leak if she tried.”

“Believe me, she will try, so let’s sleep while we can.” Izzy took my hand to lead me to our bedroom, but I pulled back. I needed her rested.

“I’ll sleep in here tonight, so I can get up if she cries.”

Izzy frowned. “Don’t you have press lined up for your big win? Your coach called to remind you of some interview.”

“That’s not for two days. I’m home all day tomorrow.” I stretched out on the nursery couch. Izzy leaned over me to kiss me goodnight.

“Thank you, then. We’ll trade places tomorrow.”

I turned my face to the pillow to hide my excitement. Izzy was tired enough she’d probably forgotten, but tomorrow was a big day for us, our anniversary. The day she’d moved in and we’d started our life together. I needed her rested so she’d enjoy my surprise.

Stella woke me at dawn, wanting her breakfast. I grabbed the milk Izzy had pumped and warmed it up, then sat feeding her in the kitchen as the sun came up. Izzy came out bleary, still in her housecoat, and I cursed under my breath. I’d been planning to bring her breakfast in bed.

“Sit down,” I said. “I’ll make you pancakes.”

Izzy sat and took Stella. “Pancakes? Mm, yummy.”

“Blueberry or chocolate?”

“Two of each.”

I made her two of each and piled them on a plate, and brought them out to her along with the syrup. I brought some OJ as well, and a gilded envelope. Izzy spotted the envelope.

“What’s this?” She reached for it. “Is someone getting married?”

“No, it’s a present. Open it up.”

Izzy opened the envelope and her whole face lit up. “A spa day? Really?”

“Yeah. The full treatment.” I sat down beside her and pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’ve got the whole day today, so I’ll hang with Stella. You go get pampered. You need a break.”

“What about you? You’ve been working so hard.”

I loved her for asking, but I couldn’t join her this time. I needed her out of here, just for a while. Just while I fixed up her actual surprise.

“I’ll be fine,” I said. “This day’s about you.”

I barely got Izzy out before Leon and Lola showed up, then Izzy’s boss Donna and a bunch of her work friends. A few of my teammates straggled in late, still halfway buzzed from last night’s party. We all set to work straightening the house, clearing up baby stuff, making it shine. Leon took over the kitchen and got on the cooking. Lola hung ribbons and flowers everywhere. I’d ordered a giant ‘Happy Anniversary’ sign, and we hung it in the foyer near the front door, the first thing Izzy would see when she walked in. We were mixing a batch of virgin sangrias when it hit me — the cars. Everyone had parked out front. Izzy would see them and know?—

“She’s coming!” Lola came running from the front room. “Everyone, hide. Get down. She’s coming.”

“Your cars are all out there.”

Lola dragged me under the stairs. “What?”

“Your cars in the driveway. She’ll know?—”

“Shut up.” Leon ducked in behind us and covered my mouth. We all crouched there waiting, and Izzy called out.

“Hello? Is someone… whose shoes are these?” She bumped the door open and we popped up like prairie dogs, yelling “Surprise!” at the top of our lungs. We were quite a crowd by then, all of our friends, and Izzy screamed, then she laughed, then I thought she might cry.

“Really, you’re all here? The place looks so… clean!” She drew a deep breath. “It smells amazing.”
