Page 67 of Caution

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I needed to be strong for just a little longer, so I could make it to where I needed to go. Once I made it to him, I could break down.

One turn after another, I made my way through the streets of Forrest’s hometown. I already felt better, simply knowing I was this close to him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I pulled into the parking lot at my destination. With the pain still radiating through my body, I took in the building before my eyes scanned the parking lot.

And there it was.

Forrest’s truck.

I was so relieved I could have cried.

But since I thought it was more important to wait until I was safe with him before I did that, I turned off my car and opened the door. Then I eased myself out of the car, my ribs hurting me with every breath I took and each movement I made.

I crossed the parking lot, moving from my car toward the front door of Harper Security Ops. And a moment later, I was staring into the eyes of a woman who looked utterly horrified.

“Oh my God. Are you okay?”

Just hold on a bit longer, I thought.

“Is Forrest here?” I asked, my throat dry and raspy.

The woman nodded her head, stood, and answered, “Yes. Yes, of course. Let me take you to him. My name is Avalon.”

More relief.

He was so close.

I was nearly there.

I couldn’t say any more words, so I didn’t introduce myself. Avalon didn’t seem to care, though.

She led me away from the front desk and through the office until suddenly Forrest appeared. He’d been walking out of one room and making his way across the hall.

It was almost as though it was happening in slow motion. He glanced in our direction and looked away, but then it hit him.

His body went taut for just a brief second before he turned back to look at me. Then his eyes widened in horror.

I came to a stop, and he started to move toward me.

Only when he came to a stop in front of me did he speak. “Daisy. What happened? Who did this to you?”

My bottom lip quivered.

God, I’d missed him. Tears welled in my eyes. And just before I broke down into tears, I told him the truth.

“I killed a man.”



For weeks, one of the only thoughts that I’d consistently had was that I’d give anything to see Daisy again. There wasn’t a single thing that would have made it so I didn’t want to see her.

And though I was beyond grateful to have her in my arms right now, I wasn’t exactly thrilled to see her in this state—beaten, bloodied, and bruised. Not to mention, she was crying and had just confessed to killing a man.

My emotions were a mess. Because while there was relief at having her here with me again, there was fury bubbling up inside of me at what happened to her.

I needed answers.
